Earn SP by Promoting AtWar
For each post in:
- Reddit (r/paradoxplaza recommended)
- Youtube
- Others (Describe below)
1000 SP each post! You may get even more depending on the outreach. Specify your reward in the message (SP or Protocoins)
Your ad/post must include:
- A small description of atWar
- A screenshot of it's gameplay
- Why people should play it
SP for youtube comments:
Each comment encouraging creators to promote atWar posted on strategy game review channels such as (but not limited to) Drew Durnil, Alex the Rambler, Feedbackgaming, Dustinl, Isorrowproductions, will also get you 100 SP. Though you can only post 1 comment per creator a day to reduce spam. (max creator limit: 10 per day)
You can message me directly with a screenshot of your post, or reply below to redeem your reward.
The top 3 players with the most posts will get this trophy:

Total Awarded: 8000 SP
**Top Winners announced on Dec 31 2021