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लेखो: 4   द्वारा देखा गया है .: 55 users
25.03.2021 - 20:35
Instead of selecting every country manually it would be a nice QoL update to have an option to set autoproduction of an unit in all countries.
25.03.2021 - 21:30
लिखा द्वारा Chess, 25.03.2021 at 20:35

Instead of selecting every country manually it would be a nice QoL update to have an option to set autoproduction of an unit in all countries.

ive suggested this to dave before , it would be sooo nice to have
25.03.2021 - 21:45
लिखा द्वारा Chess, 25.03.2021 at 20:35

Instead of selecting every country manually it would be a nice QoL update to have an option to set autoproduction of an unit in all countries.

I remember you dc'd in our game was big rip. I dc'd in 1v2 cw and i just quit because f that.
04.04.2021 - 06:28
It's really needed in big map games.
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