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27.07.2020 - 08:27
I have been trying to make a small map to see how it goes however when I test the game there are no units in the cities (like Militia etc.. typically secondary ground defense). Does anybody know how to put units to generally spawn in the cities by default?
The Chosen One
27.07.2020 - 08:38
लिखा द्वारा Khal Cripple, 27.07.2020 at 08:27

I have been trying to make a small map to see how it goes however when I test the game there are no units in the cities (like Militia etc.. typically secondary ground defense). Does anybody know how to put units to generally spawn in the cities by default?

You need to make at least 1 Ground: Main Defence unit (like Infantry or something similar) or 1 Ground: Secondary Defence unit (like Militia or something similar) which should be available being in all countries, so without limitations.

I remember it was the Secondary Defence/ militia one, but not sure.
27.07.2020 - 10:35
Thank you Rasp I got it working now.

I have another problem with the map making if anybody can help me with this issue,
I have made different countries with cities and the cities have loaded but the land/countries have not.
By this I mean in the following image ( ) it shows what it looks like in the map editor but when you play it, it looks like this ( ).
I have saved it multiple times but it does not seem to change anything???
The Chosen One
27.07.2020 - 12:41
लिखा द्वारा Khal Cripple, 27.07.2020 at 10:35

Thank you Rasp I got it working now.

I have another problem with the map making if anybody can help me with this issue,
I have made different countries with cities and the cities have loaded but the land/countries have not.
By this I mean in the following image ( ) it shows what it looks like in the map editor but when you play it, it looks like this ( ).
I have saved it multiple times but it does not seem to change anything???

The most important thing during the process of making a map is to have patience, in my opinion. I would highly recommend you the following points, as it worked for me fine:
➥ If you add borders belonging to a country/several countries, save the map and don't go further with editing until you have waited atleast 1 day. So, in case you added borders on monday, go further with editing new borders on tuesday. Same counts for NO-GO zones.

➥ In addition; it's possible that your map bugs out. That's something what happens to a lot of map makers. Don't forget to clone your map before you are going to implement the necessairy things into your map. If your original map bugs, with a clone you'll still be able to edit and work further with a basic version of your map.

Give the map editor some time to ''save'' your changes. It won't save your changes at the speed you might want to make a map.
27.07.2020 - 13:00
लिखा द्वारा Khal Cripple, 27.07.2020 at 10:35

Thank you Rasp I got it working now.

I have another problem with the map making if anybody can help me with this issue,
I have made different countries with cities and the cities have loaded but the land/countries have not.
By this I mean in the following image ( ) it shows what it looks like in the map editor but when you play it, it looks like this ( ).
I have saved it multiple times but it does not seem to change anything???

Interesting. Can you send me the map name?
29.07.2020 - 10:30
लिखा द्वारा Khal Cripple, 27.07.2020 at 08:27

Map making is broken, it's very difficult to keep yourself going with it because it glitches out in very bizarre ways and different problems for different people
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