22.09.2019 - 05:23
Thomas E. O'Neil September 21, 2019 https://www.reddit.com/r/voynich/comments/d6oont/ros2_spiral_of_vords_next_to_castle_decrypted/ Ros 2 Spiral Castle Text decrypted, Voynich ManuscriptBy following an anagram approach, according to the Morse CodeCipher substitution method to Italian; I was able to produce a shortnarrative which grammatically is somewhat inconsistent to Italian.However my premise is that Wilfrid Voynich, who developed the cipher,was using an Italian dictionary from the aspect of English grammar.Voynich knew 18 languages albeit not that well. The narrative is veryclear to the point conveying a battle and a possible ruse involved withmedieval tactics regarding the swallow tail merlons. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wilfrid_Voynich Have a look at my forum for some other work I have done with thiscipher on the Voynich Manuscript. http://voynichman.freeforums.net/thread/39/voynich-morse-code-steganography-cipher MIT has run an analysis applying it to the Voynich Manuscript andlists Italian as one of the possible candidates in an anagram format. " MIT believes the Voynich Corpus to be in anAnagram format, lists Italian a possiblecandidate! We then present an approach to decoding anagrammed substitution ciphers, in which the letterswithin words have been arbitrarily transposed. It obtains the average decryption word accuracy of93% on a set of 50 ciphertexts in 5 languages.The properties and the dating of the manuscript imply Latin and Italian as potential candidates.https://www.mitpressjournals.org/doi/abs/10.1162/tacl_a_00084 I just want to say to all those people out there that think I'm drinking the koolaid regarding a nuttyapproach for the text to be in anagrams, they should contact MIT. If they are on to Italian they shouldcheck in with my cipher as it leans more towards a Polyalphabetic over substitution.https://www.mitpressjournals.org/doi/pdfplus/10.1162/tacl_a_00084 " " A possible historical cross reference from the Ros 2 Castle folio spiral text:After reconnoitring the English position, a council of war was held wherethe senior French officials, who were completely confident of victory,advised an attack, but not until the next day.[93] The army was tired from a 12-mile march, and needed to reorganise so as to be able to attack instrength.[94] It was also known that the Count of Savoy with more than 500 men-at-arms was marching to join the French and was nearby.[95] (He intercepted some of the French survivors the day after thebattle).[61] Despite this advice, the French attacked later the same afternoon; it is unclear from the contemporary sources whether this was adeliberate choice by Philip, or because too many of the French knights keptpressing forward and the battle commenced against his wishes.[96] Philip's plan was to use the long-range missiles of his crossbowmen to soften upthe English infantry and disorder, and possibly dishearten, their formations,so as to allow the accompanying mounted men-at-arms to break into theirranks and rout them.[97][98] Modern historians have generally considered this to have been a practical approach, and one with proven successagainst other armies.[99] " https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Cr%C3%A9cy https://www.academia.edu/40410943/Ros_2_Castle_decrypted
---- Admiral Thomas E. O'Neil
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