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लेखो: 2   द्वारा देखा गया है .: 28 users
06.09.2011 - 19:29
I've been trying to start a new casual game in the beginners area. (I am only Rank 4) Once I get the game settings as I like, the game never shows up in the lobby. When I click start game I am told the game will be unwinable. If I simply exit to the lobby, without starting the game, the game isn't created at all.

Might there be a Rank limit for who can start a beginners game?
08.09.2011 - 11:54
No, problably a router NAT Type problem. I see these a lot, though it's common in phones, handheld devices, and game systems, not much in computers... check to see what it is. I know there are types 3, 2, and 1.
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