Hello! I am looking for a laid back, friendly coalition who plays simply for fun, not for bragging rights or a spot on the leader board (not that I don't want a coalition shooting for a place). I am not the best player in the world, but certainly not very bad. I cannot play during the week, and even on the weekends, I may not be available. I may make mistakes, and I don't want to be kicked or attacked/shamed for it
. I don't have a top notch computer, and sometimes something may go wrong. even If I know a set date ahead of time, something may come up and I may not be able to make it. I am, honestly, new to this clan stuff, and may need to be shown the ropes. and one more thing, I do not have Skype or any other communicating device. well, enough of the bad stuff. I have another level 5 account that I recently abandoned, so i am certainly not new. I think I know a very good bit about the game and have built up a fair bit of strategies with this game. so, just to recap, I want a friendly clan that's not too serious. Thanks