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लेखो: 3   द्वारा देखा गया है .: 39 users
08.10.2014 - 16:09
Can someone host an 2v2 tournament eu+ map ?

Rank limit 18-19. Like r10 + r9= limit 19.

R10+r10 = over rank limit. Not permissible.

So any volunteer please?

08.10.2014 - 18:35
 Acquiesce (मध्यस्थ)
There's already a 2v2 tournament being hosted by Laochra with more interesting settings and lacking a bla rank limit rule. I suggest you sign up for that one
The church is near, but the road is icy... the bar is far away, but I will walk carefully...
08.10.2014 - 18:45
लिखा द्वारा Acquiesce, 08.10.2014 at 18:35

There's already a 2v2 tournament being hosted by Laochra with more interesting settings and lacking a bla rank limit rule. I suggest you sign up for that one

I was thinking but with scenarios its not interesting for me.
I think chess hosted a tournament same as mine before rank limit 15 and turned out great

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