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द्वारा Skittzophrenic, 23.09.2014 - 09:03
30.09.2014 - 17:16
लिखा द्वारा Khal.eesi, 30.09.2014 at 17:04

लिखा द्वारा Tik-Tok, 30.09.2014 at 16:38

What would I have to fear from a manlet who wears make up? How short are you? You barely look 5'7. I could eat you.

>Faggy scarf
>dem skinny biceps

Top kek. Do you even lift?

well as you can see, im not hiding behind the pc, internet warrior.i am 1,78 (5'10) and 68kg.Kinda perfect analogy.How about you mr aryan perfect race?lets see your superior genetics.As for the lifting and the "skinny" biceps, i can do 20 pullups and 60 pushups, while smoking a cigarette and reading newspaper.I think im fine.How bout you?want us to make videos of us doing pushups and then post them here and compare?

Lol pls do it hahahahahah

30.09.2014 - 17:34
लिखा द्वारा Khal.eesi, 30.09.2014 at 17:04
well as you can see, im not hiding behind the pc, internet warrior.i am 1,78 (5'10) and 68kg.Kinda perfect analogy.How about you mr aryan perfect race?lets see your superior genetics.As for the lifting and the "skinny" biceps,

Manlet confirmed. Seriously, why the make up?

Why would I give away information to a person who has threatened me? Besides, Information is valuable. Only fools give it away. The Fascist seeks aesthetics but he is not vain. I do not seek idolatry. I prefer my words to have their own merit.

लिखा द्वारा Khal.eesi, 30.09.2014 at 17:04
i can do 20 pullups

Without a grip and with perfect execution? No breaks in between? I know stronger men and fitter men than you who can barely hit 13.

All irrelevant but funny none the less. You have slid from the topic and avoided the question. Does white society benefit white peoples? Can you show a single solitary net benefit to immigration, especially from the third world? You mock the suffering of 'our' people, yes our people. You are White whether you like it or not. Unlike us, women cannot protect themselves, especially not from violent foreigners. Nor should they have to. It is our responsibility to seek a better society for our people. Yet you follow a childish, illogical viewpoint. When it is contradicted, you get emotional.

Seeking impossible ideals is insanity. Seeking personal and communal interest is not only sane, but one of the very reasons you exist.
01.10.2014 - 11:27
लिखा द्वारा Tik-Tok, 30.09.2014 at 17:34

Why would I give away information to a person who has threatened me? Besides, Information is valuable. Only fools give it away. The Fascist seeks aesthetics but he is not vain. I do not seek idolatry. I prefer my words to have their own merit.

Thats right.Pussy.Stay behind your pc, in your basement, safe, drinking tea and preaching about strenth and war when you know shit about them, except what you read on books.We have established now that you are just a weak, slimmy,lying, politician, all talk zero action, bullying and preying on the weak and using your ideology to empower your pathetic existance.Like most fascists, you are no different.I ve seen with my eyes, how your kind, the glorious "predators" starts running in fear when the "preys" fight back.Real life is not a computer game.So fight for your shitty fascist ideals through the safety of your room and let us fight for peace and freedom on the streets.Im done talking to you.Now fuck off out of here cunt.
01.10.2014 - 11:36
लिखा द्वारा Khal.eesi, 01.10.2014 at 11:27
I can't argue, I have lost all ground, I am vain and I'm going to walk off in a huff without answering a simple question
Summary of your post.

I'll ask the same question that you have refused to answer over 4 comments.
लिखा द्वारा Khal.eesi, 30.09.2014 at 17:04
Does white society benefit white peoples? Can you show a single solitary net benefit to immigration, especially from the third world?

You keep avoiding this simple question. Over and over. Is it because you have no answer? I believe it is.
01.10.2014 - 18:42
I love arguments, I even like to read arguments, but this isn't even an argument anymore.

Khal, it takes two to argue. Sometimes you have to throw the ball back to play. You can't just ignore and sidestep every argument Tik-Tok tries to make. Tik has provided citations. He's answered all of your arguments with his own. Despite all the name calling, I thought this may have been a nice clash of ideologies. I was wrong.

And I can't believe you aimed at bringing the speaker down instead of targeting the argument itself. This is called ad hominem, look it up.

Locked. People need to learn how to debate.
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