11.05.2014 - 08:18
Lately I hear more people complain about 4 mins turns... So what? Idc if Atwar used to have 2 mins turn or 3 mins before it. Its selfish to make a big deal of it if people don't feel like playing it? Some people barely can play 4 mins ukraine or turkey? And the people like ''goblin'' who say they ''can do a germany expansion in 1.5min'' are just selfish. Ofc you can do those expansions in 1.5 min because all the countries are just near the capital country and easy to take.. ukraine or turkey arent that near to it and sometimes you have to take time to think how you can do it the best. I had an convo with Goblin because I didnt want to play a 2 mins duel. He got all crazy and went madd? Srsly what is happening with this community? Looks like people are shitting about everything now? ![]()
11.05.2014 - 08:19
No.. you are making a big problem of this because you maybe CAN play all your moves in 2 minutes. You also told me in the 1v1 you did with eagles. You fucked up because you got walled with 32 units + general and 11 stacks in a transport doing nothing. You said you fucked it up and it is normal in 2 mins games? So you kinda said there your self you could have done it better but had no time to do it. Then you just opened eagles his wall and rushed him. And then you come here and say 2 mins doesn't mean you need to rush? This is kinda confusing.
11.05.2014 - 08:22
Hmm how is it right? They can be more fun. But still. 1. If I can choose between playing against someone who played the best he can, because he could do all his moves and what he wanted to do. 2. Or choose between playing against someone who may have lost because he has a country that needs time vs possibly a country that doesn't. I would choose option 1 then. And I think im not the only one who thinks like this.
11.05.2014 - 08:32
14. Do not post about locked or deleted threads or other moderation actions on forums or in public chat channels in game - See more at: http://atwar-game.com/forum/topic.php?topic_id=1843#sthash.GnYk1s0b.dpuf It seem you have a problem with goblin in particular, and I suggest you resolve with him instead of posting on the forum. If you want to discuss 4 minutes turn, then I suggest you do it without using other players as example, because it looks like you are attacking goblin. Topic locked
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