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लेखो: 4   द्वारा देखा गया है .: 32 users
20.04.2011 - 14:12
Will you allow to cap cities without troops with bombers or ships?
20.04.2011 - 14:19
This would make the game very VERY unfair, that is why it never was, nor never will be implemented by the admins. Look at the bright side, tanks work just as well
20.04.2011 - 22:04
You can capture cities with destroyers.
20.04.2011 - 22:11
A loooong time ago you could capture cities with bombers. It was kind of lame, because you could lose half your empire in 1 turn (due to bomber range).

Granted, those games were still fun (as long as you werent on the receiving end), but they changed it, and I am 100% sure they are not going back, sorry.

As others have said, you can capture with ships - Destroyers, or Subs (as long as they have marines onboard).
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