20.02.2016 - 15:44
Nothing against Europe, but why is EVERY single coalition war ALWAYS in Europe? Is it like a rule or something? whenever my coalition has a CW, or i go to the coalition wars tab, all I see is "Europe over and over again. Can someone please tell me what is going on?
20.02.2016 - 15:52
Europe is the most balanced map and it's been the norm for a long time. Occasionally clans will play Eurasia or North America but you're right, nearly all games are on EU. It's not a rule, but everyone likes to play it
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20.02.2016 - 16:12
20.02.2016 - 16:12
Also you dont have to say ''war'' after cw because c=Clan and w=War so it doesnt make sense if you do this''CW war''
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njab खाता खाते को नष्ट कर दिया है। |
20.02.2016 - 16:22 njab खाता खाते को नष्ट कर दिया है।
You are asking me to repeat myself. Europe map is a result of ultimate autism and dedication of the guy who play it so they can suit their need - have an autistic map that they can play. Why we never see anybody playing any map but EU? Because they "don't play it", actually they're too nooby to find 2 decent picks on the map and their counters and they don't have a memorized expansion and don't know what strategy to pick for those picks.
20.02.2016 - 16:29
No, actually I didn't ask you.
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20.02.2016 - 16:32
Europe is THE standard map for competitive gameplay (namely CWs and Duels). Most of the people plays it, hence why sometimes its a struggle to find a clan war or a duel that isn't made in Europe+. However, not all CWs and Duels happens in Europe+ though. Sometimes you can find clans willing to try something else.
njab खाता खाते को नष्ट कर दिया है। |
20.02.2016 - 16:35 njab खाता खाते को नष्ट कर दिया है।
There are 2 of us, can we get anybody else? ;;
You did by saying it's the most balanced map. Thank you.
20.02.2016 - 16:43
actually he did not. you felt like pressing your opinion on his opinion, which is fine (though annoying), but don't put words in his mouth. Everybody their own opinion.
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njab खाता खाते को नष्ट कर दिया है। |
20.02.2016 - 16:44 njab खाता खाते को नष्ट कर दिया है।
20.02.2016 - 17:05
Well to be honest, the amount of CWs outside of Eu that I see nowadays has been reduced a lot. Back in my times, Shadow Aces was active an Praetorian were an active ancient clan that had several CWs. When Laochra was in Illyria they also were a clan who CW anywhere in the default map, ancient, destoria, dreamworld, even in RP. MK was... MK, and evoL occasionally CWed outside of Eu. Syndicate also liked to play in NA (cuz eagles) and Eu vs Asia games. Nowadays: - Illy dead, lao joined SM, but SM didn't took illy spot as an all-around clan. Pure euro and occasional whole world / Destoria. - evoL dead. - Syndicate dead. - Praetorian dead, foreign legion play some ancient but they don't play as much as Praetorian did. - SA dead. Most of their members split but Epic Clan part took their spot in ancient cws. - ENIGMA is starting to play ancient after Raul joined, I hope that goes sweet. But atm is still pure euro. - MK is MK Conclusion: bow to MK! ![]()
njab खाता खाते को नष्ट कर दिया है। |
20.02.2016 - 17:11 njab खाता खाते को नष्ट कर दिया है।
20.02.2016 - 17:25
Oh let me add, clans like Hydra,Pyrrhus and Aetius's and of course Epic Clan would be clan warring in scenarios. Conclusion: we need scenario cws.
21.02.2016 - 02:43
No, Destoria CW is the answer. 100000% better than Ancient. go do some cws on destoria
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21.02.2016 - 04:32
Or Foundation's Edge. http://atwar-game.com/forum/topic.php?topic_id=11947 ![]()
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21.02.2016 - 08:26
Honnestly Lunatis is much better than Destoria, still it s same units as standars so whats the point?
---- Seule la victoire est belle
21.02.2016 - 08:47
Foundations edge is good too, haven't played it too much, knowing Columna's map making skills id say it's under-played lunatis too many cities/reinf for my taste anyway yeah, we need to do some competitive custom map cws (no not ancient) such as destoria, dreamworld, foundations edge, clan war map, etc etc moreover, we need to make more competitive custom maps
---- We are not the same - I am a Martian. We are not the same - I am a... divided constellation? ![]()
21.02.2016 - 09:31
wrong, just because you dislike europe and are bad at it, does not mean you can make up stuff. Europe is the most balanced map on atwar. There is no better alternative. It mixes all of the following income regions/city densities allowing you to find a niche for all of atwar's strategies. It also has the right amount of water. - High income, High reinforcements, medium/high density (Germany, France, UK, Rus. Central) - High income, low reinforcements, low/medium density (Norway, Sweden, Finland, Netherlands, Belgium, Switzerland) - Medium income, low/medium reinforcements, low density (Russia... ) - Medium income, High reinforcements, medium density (Spain, Italy, Ukraine) - Low/medium income, medium reinforcements, medium/high density (Greece, Poland, Serbia, Romania, Belarus, Austria) - Low income, high reinforcements, high density (Turkey) - Low income, low/medium reinforcements, high density (aka Balkan countries/ former yugoslavia or capital only countries) - Low income, low/medium reinforcements, periphereal (Iceland, Portugal, Ireland, Azerbajan...) Because of how often the map is played and the fact that the best players of atwar play there, the level of skill required is much higher, the rangeskills, the micro, the ability to expand intelligently/optimally, the ability to manage all your units to 100% efficiency. You will learn all this there. I'm afraid memorisation will only help so much. Theres also the fact that europe is a small map, games average 45 mins to an hour. It suits ppl who dont have time/interest in long games.
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njab खाता खाते को नष्ट कर दिया है। |
21.02.2016 - 09:49 njab खाता खाते को नष्ट कर दिया है।
1. You've just proven my statement about autism and mod dedication for a single map by telling us how many details you have finished on it. 2. You can do that "pr0 stuff" on the most of maps but you just say "fuck them all" and not care a fuck to say a single suggestion on how to fix them. 3. Yeah, best players that loose turn 3 on any map but EU. 4. Middle East, Mediterrean or Caribbean (if you ever add it) would more suit people "who don't have time" for a long game, so your point makes no sense.
21.02.2016 - 09:49
This has nothing to do with the mods. Yes there was dedication/autism in producing it. I did not contest this point. This is why it is a superior map and so often played. Middle east, med and carribean are all great and sometimes played. But are all limited. Imperialist is really one of the only viable strats on those settings. Maybe pd/gw in some cases.
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21.02.2016 - 09:52
A 100% balanced map can only be archived when you have the same possibilities than your opponent, which is what True Competition or any mirrored map archives. On the other hand, I expected you to know how the great advantage that UK have in both 2vs2 and 3vs3 preset, the great advantage of Ukraine in ANY of the 10k settings, the powered serbia in 3k, the edge of italy in Eu only. But I am not here to explain you what you were supposed to know. I will simply limit myself to say, that I really expected more of you.
njab खाता खाते को नष्ट कर दिया है। |
21.02.2016 - 09:53 njab खाता खाते को नष्ट कर दिया है।
Stop putting yourself deeper into shit. Seriously. It is a superior map because you spent all your time on it and you don't want to touch any other map because EU is "superior" to them. Being a politician is superior job, so let's all leave other jobs because there is no alternative to it, or what?
Yes, that. Is it balanced map? Nope. It's just like any other map, but overplayed.
21.02.2016 - 10:04
The advantages of all the countries you mentioned is insignificant. Well bar serbia in 3k. But even that is still a very popular setting with players enjoying the challenge of finding ways to beat it. Perfect balance would result in very stale gameplay. The best you can hope to achieve is a perfect imbalance and europe has that to the best degree of any map on atwar. But i never made the point that it was perfect anyway. You should also know this, but in your case, i did not expect more from you.
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21.02.2016 - 10:14
you seem to have edited in additions to your post. In response to 2 and 3. 2. The suggestions are there, that eu map breakdown i posted was taken from the competitive map competition thread. Mapmakers in general do not care about compeitition/balance with the strategies. Only tiktok and ww2, which is why it became popular for a while even among competitive players. If you want the communities help with balancing a certain map ask for it, but i don't see that happening anywhere, do you? 3. Players lose all the time t3 on every map. This isnt relevant to any of my points. It is actually not me who is "putting myself deeper into shit". That seems to be your warped perspective for some reason.
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21.02.2016 - 10:14
Yes I know that I was right. You're welcome.
21.02.2016 - 10:23
Can't believe he finished in your signature because of that sentence. ![]() You two discuss about how balanced each map is, but I know only one thing for sure and it is that dynamics of Europe gameplay cannot be compared with any other map dynamics. It's why Europe is so fun to play, whatsmore, it's pretty small map so there are incredibly many mind-gaming situations and non America / Middle East or Euroasia can follow it. Lastly, I think that 10k funds for Europe competitive games is the most matched Map-Funds relation in the whole game. There are too many components that matched perfectly or very well in the Europe map and there are low possibilites that any other map will ever be that configurated.
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njab खाता खाते को नष्ट कर दिया है। |
21.02.2016 - 10:27 njab खाता खाते को नष्ट कर दिया है।
I wouldn't say any map is less balanced than EU except some really shitty SP farms, because you can get to the same result as on EU, it's just people like you being autistic and not daring to play anything but what they can find 1000000 guides on forums for. Please, "people dying turn 3 in every map". I am saying that your "pr0s", "best AW players" (actually known as EU fags) are getting smashed on anything but EU because they are too good players to play other maps, obviously.
Thank you for asking me to reply. People cared every day to put ports on "perfect" location, to remove cities that would give too much advantage, to balance the incomes, to bla bla bla, all on EU. You can do the same on any other map, but nobody cared to put ports on Great Lakes, Victoria, Tangyanika or any of Russian lakes. Nobody cared to add more cities to USA or split it into more countries, or improve the density of cities. If we compare countries population to city reinf, you can clearly see that e.g. African population is underrated compared to European population (Nigeria has 2 times more population than Turkey but 10 less reinf).
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