10.09.2014 - 17:10
Sooner or later RP will die out just as UN did. We just gotta be patient for it to happen and once it does happen, I'm sure things will go back to normal. But then again, I might be wrong. What's your opinion? >inb4 flame war
---- TJM !!!
10.09.2014 - 17:39
UN died out because RP was made, right?
---- "All he does is smoke pot, jerk off and play that damn game" ~Michael Townley.
10.09.2014 - 17:42
No, UN died for 2 reasons: There was too many UN clones,that eventually the original died. It was too easy to sabotage a UN game. Then RP just picked the big UN fanbase, and some UN players just quit.
10.09.2014 - 17:51
Meh the masses will go from craze to craze, right now its rp, something similar or worse will most likely take its place if it ever does go out of fashion.
10.09.2014 - 19:20
Why so much hating against RP? it is fun come on inb4 people that dont even try to play the map are critizing it. PLAY THE MAP FIRST. Even if you played it, the great amount of people that play RP already prove it to be a good map.
10.09.2014 - 20:18
ad populum! you just committed a fallacy, just because most people think something is true, doesn't mean it is. the only people that rate RP are people that haven't played enough custom maps to know whats a good and a bad map is, let alone nobody of this people have made custom maps before. now tell me, what map maker has ever said that RP is good? oh.. wait.... there is no recognized map maker that says RP is good. Let me put it this way: a bunch of half-starved folks are given free food, and then are ask about how good the food was, all of them said it was good. but then a chief from a different restaurant comes and rates the food 1/10. who are you gonna believe? the half-starved people that eat it? or the chief?
10.09.2014 - 20:33
RP will die whenever Thunder starts farming it! (This was what led to UN's death)
10.09.2014 - 22:01
It is not a fallacy. A lot of people plays RP. That is a fact which lead to our premise, RP is a good map. You may think is a fallacy because the people that play rp think it is good, but I am not basing my premise on THEIR OPINION, but in the FACT that they ACTUALLY PLAY IT. It is like a poll or democracy, you dont take into consideration who the people think is best, but actually, their vows. " People think this is" = Fallacy. " People do this" = Valid argument. Your example is also based on what the starved people THINKS, not in what they actually do. They eat the food, you cant prove with this information that the food is good, but you can say that they eat the food. A conditional conclusion that follow this example: " IF they eat the food, then it should be a good food" is a fallacy as there isn a type of relation between the premise and the fact. This is not Ad populum where the premise is based on what people thinks, but just a premise and a fact that doesnt have any type of relation. The conclusion you are looking based on Ad populum is this one: " A bunch of half-starved folks are given free food, and they are ask about how good the food was. They say the food was good, so the people who gived the free food opened up a restaurant, sayding that their food is good. After that, a cheft come and rates the food as 1/10." The people who gived the free food are basing their statement in what the starved-people thinks about it. If their food was good, then they would base it in the fact that a lot of people go and eat there. Proved that your 1st premise is false, your other premises which are based on the 1st premise are also false.
11.09.2014 - 00:45
Oh boy, I have a feeling this thread will take a turn for the worse.
---- TJM !!!
11.09.2014 - 01:07
What in the world are you talking about... Just stop... (Dont worry I blame Tunder also)
---- It's not the end.
Black Shark खाता खाते को नष्ट कर दिया है। |
11.09.2014 - 01:33 Black Shark खाता खाते को नष्ट कर दिया है।
Just because a lot of people watch Twilight doesn't mean it's good. Same goes for RP, it's still bad even if a lot of people play it. Yes, I have played it before. I can tell you that it's unbalanced.
11.09.2014 - 02:39
Bad post -_- let the guys have fun and play aw maps dosen't matter what don't be jealous of others rank
11.09.2014 - 02:59
That IB ToK coming in handy.. who would've thought.
11.09.2014 - 03:55
11.09.2014 - 05:22
Stop talking out of your arse thinking you're clever. You're not. You're becoming worse than Alex Meza. Just stick to what you know. Edit: It should be pretty obvious who I'm directing my post to without explicitly pointing it out.
11.09.2014 - 06:10
you did IB too?Hi
Black Shark खाता खाते को नष्ट कर दिया है। |
11.09.2014 - 06:10 Black Shark खाता खाते को नष्ट कर दिया है। >opi gets rank 10 in 4 months RP is fucking SP farm.
11.09.2014 - 06:34
Support go clovis!!
11.09.2014 - 07:32
So I am supposing with " a lot" of people you are refering to more that 60% right? then it should be a good show. Not because they think it is, but because they actually WATCH IT.
I dare you to beat opi. I have lost against him. And if you want to say I am noob then we should duel
Dude, why you comment a post just for critize? I dont care whoever you send that insult, but this does add nothing constructive to the post. Do you wanna start a flaming war so this get locked? sorry no, it wont happen.
11.09.2014 - 08:46
Lol clovis, you are so wrong, i don't even know were to start First of all, atwar is not a democracy, its at best a combination of feudal system and a meritocracy. Map makers hold all the power when it comes to maps, If you and a bunch of peasants want to storm the castle and install tempted as king, don't be surprise if you and your dirty folks get smash to pieces by the elite. Yes, people play RP so what? just because a bunch of noobs play it, doesn't mean is good, thats their opinion. Most of this noobs haven't played any other map, they are not in any position to claim RP is good. People don't like to lose, they will rate 5/5 any map that provides them with wins, while rating poorly maps that make them lose all the time. "People do drugs, therefore is healthy" <this is your logic clovis. Is not what you think/do, is what the doctor says.
11.09.2014 - 08:50
Yes, that is my logic. And with people I think you are refering to a considerable (60 or more) amount of people RIGHT?
11.09.2014 - 08:53
Thank you clovis, you just proved my point. You assume everything the masses do is right/true When you should be considering more what a specialist(somebody from that field) says.
11.09.2014 - 09:11
LOL DUDE OF COUSE YOU ARE WRONG. When you say drugs you are refering to two things: - Legal drugs. - Illegal drugs. Almost everybody has consumed legal drugs. They save lifes and trust, used by I would say 80-90% of the peoples. However, illegal is another thing, used by no more that 10-12% of the peoples. If you say drugs in general counting both legal drugs and illegal drugs then yes, since they save way more lifes that they lose. However, if you classify them in legal and illegal drugs, you did another point. Therefore, my argument is based that people consume drugs (since you didnt specific, I think you are refering to them in general). Drugs are good. However, you can't say illegal drugs are good based on such small percentage(10-12%). Another thing: Dont confuse "good" with "healthy". You can't based your premise in people which have no knowledge of it. It would be like " People vow for osama bin laden, but they didnt know osama bin laden was a criminal. Therefore, osaman bin laden is a good criminal". Nope, you are condicioning your premise like this, depending of the conditional " They didnt know osama was a criminal". Same goes for your example, for say the drugs are healthy you need to gather many or most of the expert's opinions.
11.09.2014 - 09:35
Gg clovis, i was right since my first post, the rest are just post backing my accusation, and you ended up admitting that you are the champion of the masses.
11.09.2014 - 09:36
Clovis... youre coming across as very pretentious in this thread, not to mention that youre going wildly offtopic and now basically shittposting. in your second post you even attempted to justify an ad populum by trying to make an irrelevant distinction. No, just because lots of people play rp it does not make it a good map. it doesnt matter whether you are using that the masses think its a good map or because they actually play it as a basis for you claiming the map is good. it is still ad populum. Thunder is correct. Leaf put it bluntly to you but im just going to say please stop lol.
11.09.2014 - 09:46
Back off clovis meanies!!!i love the new clovis, so cute <3 GO CLOVIS GO!!!!
11.09.2014 - 09:47
you shouldnt encourage this behaviour just because its cute!! youd make a bad parent khal =/
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