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लेखो: 6   द्वारा देखा गया है .: 48 users
26.05.2013 - 12:18
I just came back after not playing for a while to find that I'm IP banned for "spamming" (I'm using a proxy right now). I also just found out that my account has membership even though I never purchased it. Could someone have hacked my account?
26.05.2013 - 14:33
खाता खाते को नष्ट कर दिया है।
लिखा द्वारा Arowhun, 26.05.2013 at 12:18

I just came back after not playing for a while to find that I'm IP banned for "spamming" (I'm using a proxy right now). I also just found out that my account has membership even though I never purchased it. Could someone have hacked my account?

I checked your "Premium Features" and it expires on the 29/05/2013. I assume today is your first log in.

Not sure about the IP ban but you've got the premium because it's probably your first log in a month. When you log in after a month or so, you get 3 days worth of premium. Hope this helps
26.05.2013 - 22:55
Your not IP banned i just checked. Your not muted or anything. Your premium is because of the reason Johnny said
27.05.2013 - 15:01
When going to the homepage without a proxy, I get a blank page that says this:

"You're banned by X. Possible reason: spammer. Have a nice day." (The 000... is my IP address. I can PM it to you if you need it.)

When using a proxy I can get into the site, but when I start the game it doesn't load and it says:

"You're banned. Have a nice day."

I tried making a new account but I still get the same message.
27.05.2013 - 15:28
Do you know this account: lololspammer

28.05.2013 - 19:34
लिखा द्वारा Safari, 27.05.2013 at 15:28

Do you know this account: lololspammer

Check my pm please.
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