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10.02.2013 - 23:36
Kim Jong Un
खाता खाते को नष्ट कर दिया है।
I just bought it and I am wondering what countries are the best to use sky menace with
11.02.2013 - 00:13
खाता खाते को नष्ट कर दिया है।
Ukraine 10k

Spain 10k

China South 25k (15k works but you turn poor)

UK 15k

Turkey 15k-25k

North Korea 10k (but SOuth is more preffered, NK is more challenging )
24.03.2013 - 19:39
RUSSIA(CENTRAL, NORTHEAST, OR VOLGA) when u auto produce thos bomber they sure do add up. This also good for scenario russia that allows air units, it is also good for building un russia army.
ALL is fair in love and war. SO GET USED TO IT!
You opinion is not recognized as being valid.
03.07.2013 - 15:07
Is America a bad choice for SM?
03.07.2013 - 18:38
Good, if you play world game
04.07.2013 - 01:36
लिखा द्वारा Sweatt, 03.07.2013 at 15:07

Is America a bad choice for SM?

No you can play as Great Lakes or Atlantic both very good places.
05.07.2013 - 17:59
खाता खाते को नष्ट कर दिया है।
लिखा द्वारा Guest, 10.02.2013 at 23:36

I just bought it and I am wondering what countries are the best to use sky menace with

Jihad Nation <3
06.07.2013 - 10:42
$3,000 Starting Funds
-North Korea

$5,000 Starting Funds
-North Korea
-Russia Ural
-USA: South
-Canada (all land except northern-most territory)

$10,000 Starting Funds
-China: Southwest
-China: Northwest
-USA: Midwest
-USA: Mountain
-USA: Great Lakes
Situation dependent (e.g. team games)
-Russia: North West

-USA: Atlantic
-China: South
-China: Southeast

-China: South
-China: Southeast
-USA: Pacific
The bitterest truth is sometimes better than the sweetest lie - Griffin, MIB III
06.07.2013 - 20:13
लिखा द्वारा Chess, 06.07.2013 at 18:36

Basically take a country which is surrounded by high income cities, and where you will have a solid budget at the beginning.

Very excellent tip! It also relates to all other strategies
09.07.2013 - 09:14
लिखा द्वारा Seahawks, 06.07.2013 at 20:13

लिखा द्वारा Chess, 06.07.2013 at 18:36

Basically take a country which is surrounded by high income cities, and where you will have a solid budget at the beginning.

Very excellent tip! It also relates to all other strategies

Not really. GW can function without high income cities as it's kind of intended not to need them.
It does need either a lot of small cities or a lot of cities that produce some serious manpower. IMP Turkey isn't surrounded by high income countries, neither does IF need such, etc.

SM however requires it no matter what the circumstance. If you're a lucky player and you're against a newbie maybe you don't need high income countries to use SM- you just need a reckless attitude and an opportunity. Otherwise : )
"Do not pray for an easy life, pray for the strength to endure a difficult one"
08.03.2014 - 23:56
खाता खाते को नष्ट कर दिया है।
लिखा द्वारा Indurate, 06.07.2013 at 10:42

$3,000 Starting Funds
-North Korea

$5,000 Starting Funds
-North Korea
-Russia Ural
-USA: South
-Canada (all land except northern-most territory)

$10,000 Starting Funds
-China: Southwest
-China: Northwest
-USA: Midwest
-USA: Mountain
-USA: Great Lakes
Situation dependent (e.g. team games)
-Russia: North West

-USA: Atlantic
-China: South
-China: Southeast

-China: South
-China: Southeast
-USA: Pacific

Beautiful. Simply beautiful.
09.03.2014 - 13:28
खाता खाते को नष्ट कर दिया है।
लिखा द्वारा Guest, 08.03.2014 at 23:56

लिखा द्वारा Indurate, 06.07.2013 at 10:42

$3,000 Starting Funds
-North Korea

$5,000 Starting Funds
-North Korea
-Russia Ural
-USA: South
-Canada (all land except northern-most territory)

$10,000 Starting Funds
-China: Southwest
-China: Northwest
-USA: Midwest
-USA: Mountain
-USA: Great Lakes
Situation dependent (e.g. team games)
-Russia: North West

-USA: Atlantic
-China: South
-China: Southeast

-China: South
-China: Southeast
-USA: Pacific

Beautiful. Simply beautiful.

Don't bump really old topics and he wasn't 100 right xD.
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