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लेखो: 4   द्वारा देखा गया है .: 52 users
30.01.2013 - 06:11
I had a idea about ranks and here it is.

i was thinking that getting to lvl 15 then what nothing else just keep getting more sp but what if u were to prestige into a new rank of bronze.
normal 0-15
bronze 0-15
gold 0-15
crimson 0-15
simple after lvl 15 u start as a lvl 0 bronze and unlock new upgrades and the shield with your rank will be colored with a new unique symbol. instead of lvl 1 normal that has a dot its different like bronze having a dot with circles around it. u keep playing until u finally get to crimson and you'll be so hardcore that when you join a game everybody shits in there pants and surrenders.
30.01.2013 - 09:46
Umm someone made a thing like this before, I don't remember well but he was gardevoir I think. I need to find his topic .

edit: I tried to find it but couldn't :p. It was the same idea but he said you'll have a star or smt like this before your name.And it's like impossible to reach rank 15 so there is no need to do that.
30.01.2013 - 10:47
Oh someone made it already. terrible searching in afterwind
01.02.2013 - 18:54
It's a good idea but needs to be developed upon.
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