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लेखो: 1   द्वारा देखा गया है .: 38 users
01.03.2011 - 11:32
Since there are quite a bit of settings you can change as a creator I suggest a better system to make sure you are in a game you like. Of course you can keep checking the settings as a player and hope the creator doesnt change this the last second but that wouldn't really be good.

So here are my suggestions, each suggesting having it's own system.

Suggestion #1:
-Once the host presses "Ready", the game settings will be locked
-After the host pressed "Ready", players may press "ready"
-If all players are set on ready, the host can start the game by pressing start.

Suggestion #2:
-Once the host presses "Start", all the players will receive a pop-up.
-The players who receive a popup may press ready or decline.
-If a player declines, this will be seen in chat and player can suggest an option change (Or the creator can just kick him)
-Everyone has to be ready for the game to start

Those are my suggestions ...
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