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25.12.2019 - 00:14
How to Get Austria as UK NC without tank

Difficulty: 4/5

Strategy: Naval Commander


  • Naval Transport Capacity
  • Faster General I & II
  • General Movement


  • First of all you should anchor your transport near London
  • After that, you will have to move your ship in the direction of the NL and anchor it once
  • Now you have to pass through the Denmark canal and for do it you must anchor your transport two times

  • After crossing the canal, you will move your transport without anchoring it, and then, you will anchor it at the next point:

  • This is the last part and the most important, you will move your transport as close as possible to the letters of Hamburg (Don't anchor):

  • Once everything is done, you must use the mouse scroll to move back and zoom out, so we bring our army to Austria


  • Try to make a straight line during the path from London to NL
  • When you go through the canal, keep in mind that your transport must be near of the Germany border
  • Try to bring it as close as possible of that line
  • Remember your transport should be as close as possible to the letters of Hamburg (Look at the last screenshot to understand what i'm talking about)
  • The number of times you can anchor is 5



Good luck!
Credits to xenomega, he gave me hope to do this

25.12.2019 - 00:18
Get ready for an influx of uk rushers
25.12.2019 - 05:11
 Sid (प्रशासन)
Pixel perfect in several places, takes hours to get down, looks impossible etc...

Difficulty? 4/5...
I would absolutely hate to go through whatever you went through to think this is only a 4/5 lol.

Good tutorial though, i was able to follow it!
25.12.2019 - 08:14
25.12.2019 - 10:16
Don't reveal xBugs' secrets! 11/10 guide
25.12.2019 - 10:47
Its 6/10 lol not 4/5 no need perfect pixel 1 trans 2 ats Moscow rush or 8 tanks 9 infs Moscow rush with imp is way harder
25.12.2019 - 11:02
But if u can't do it use 1 mil instead of a tank since with full exp u got 30 cash left
25.12.2019 - 11:05
लिखा द्वारा Pud, 25.12.2019 at 00:18

Get ready for an influx of uk rushers
Do this rush without tanks D Glasgow shortcut is harder than no tanks rush lol
27.12.2019 - 20:36
लिखा द्वारा Froyer, 25.12.2019 at 11:02


27.12.2019 - 20:49
लिखा द्वारा Froyer, 25.12.2019 at 11:02

What is "6/10," "4/5," "perfect pixel," "1 trans 2 ats," "full exp," and "D Glasgow"?
Happiness = reality - expectations
27.12.2019 - 21:06
लिखा द्वारा Froyer, 25.12.2019 at 10:47

Its 6/10 lol not 4/5 no need perfect pixel 1 trans 2 ats Moscow rush or 8 tanks 9 infs Moscow rush with imp is way harder

It's not too difficult once you find the optimal ST route and master flick-zoombug, but still too unreliable imo to commit to in a 3v3 when your team depends on you. Having a Tank means you can WF Denmark (or perhaps in the far future Berlin if Bigwalling into Poland ever becomes a thing, most likely not as far as I can tell; just a hypothetical plz no h8 m8), or having a Militia gives you a slight boost in defensive protection against TB attempts killing your ST, if you care about that sort of thing. it would be more impressive if someone could figure out NC Germ Belarus rush with 10+ without a Bomber imo.

RC Imp Turk rushes are a good way to commit your Genstack to the middle of nowhere to die imo, yes it is skillful laddering your units seven times to Moscow and everything else in a good amount of time (1:30 max imo), but you create a deficit on all of your other fronts doing this, not to mention the amount of cash you waste on this move. DS and SM can absolutely destroy RC T1 as well, even with min as DS, so it's all-in-all a risky venture to take. Still, impressive when it does happen; I have a recording of Huarck doing it in a CW against Macaroni back in September, it's a really good case example of why it's an enticing but bad rush as he ends up getting capped T4 and losing out everywhere in his Balkan front because he didn't proliferate enough there (also if I remember correctly, his bigwall/spiderwall in Turkey was bad).

लिखा द्वारा Froyer, 25.12.2019 at 11:05
Do this rush without tanks D Glasgow shortcut is harder than no tanks rush lol

Glasgow shortcut is one of the trickiest in the game, and cannot really be mastered unless you upgrade your inner chromosomes to unlock pixel-reading spells D. Nontheless though, my gift to the community in case people don't already know where to put their trans to do it:

लिखा द्वारा Garde, 08.10.2019 at 12:04
This one is rather tricky, and only a few people can do it reliably. Simply put: You want to use that ship icon above your unit total as a sort of measure to find the exact 4x4 square of pixels where you can safely transfer your Transport. Start by lining up the bottom of the ship icon with that straight coastline as you see me do, then line up the Mast with the end of that lighter area on the background texture (the River Tay). Practice being able to locate this safe zone a lot in a private game before committing to it in a 3v3 or otherwise.
28.12.2019 - 02:41
At least Gardevoir understand me 50 iq guys just go away pls
28.12.2019 - 02:57
लिखा द्वारा Garde, 27.12.2019 at 21:06

लिखा द्वारा Froyer, 25.12.2019 at 10:47

Its 6/10 lol not 4/5 no need perfect pixel 1 trans 2 ats Moscow rush or 8 tanks 9 infs Moscow rush with imp is way harder

RC Imp Turk rushes are a good way to commit your Genstack to the middle of nowhere to die imo, yes it is skillful laddering your units seven times to Moscow and everything else in a good amount of time (1:30 max imo), but you create a deficit on all of your other fronts doing this, not to mention the amount of cash you waste on this move. DS and SM can absolutely destroy RC T1 as well, even with min as DS, so it's all-in-all a risky venture to take. Still, impressive when it does happen; I have a recording of Huarck doing it in a CW against Macaroni back in September, it's a really good case example of why it's an enticing but bad rush as he ends up getting capped T4 and losing out everywhere in his Balkan front because he didn't proliferate enough there (also if I remember correctly, his bigwall/spiderwall in Turkey was bad).

Bro I never lost a cw when I rushed rc or I don't remember most players when they are sm rush my Moscow t2 same with ds the problem is I can bring 15 from Greece and 5-6 from rs mean 20 + u win by 5 or 6 normally u got almost 40 units in Moscow if sm full rush Moscow and win he got no reinf lost all his units when I have full Izmir Antalya and some bursa reinf with funds ez 40 units rush in Kiev with tanks gG
If I keep Moscow in lategame I have op money and with fund I'm unstoppable ukr lost 600 income from rc if west can't fund a lot gG I rape and in Balkan I only need west to pressure Spain ger a lot so they don't send a lot in Balkan while I'm stacking 1 Balkan like Romania or bulg depend of my T1 if I get rushed in Balkan early game I can outspam him ez cuz turk cities reinf and walls but he can't rush rc and Balkan if I keep one of them its gG
Yesterday in cw agaisnt apple I rushed rc Kaska went nc uk and we had France
Sm ukr rushed t2 and lost by 9 cuz I sent Greece units in Moscow t4 I capped him cuz no units gG
And no need tank for NC rush to wf if u got inf from Ireland Glasgow and tyneside to do it D
29.10.2020 - 23:00
लिखा द्वारा Dominoz, 25.12.2019 at 00:14

Good luck!
Credits to xenomega, he gave me hope to do this

you're welcome kid
24.10.2024 - 19:53
This guide has changed my life, what would I do without it?
25.10.2024 - 19:42
लिखा द्वारा Prussia., 24.10.2024 at 19:53

This guide has changed my life, what would I do without it?

Yeah sure

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