05.10.2019 - 20:16
I didn't want this to get lost in the threads So I figured i'd post it here. Maybe they sound good to some people maybe not to others. It's just ideas but it's some of the only ideas anyone has come up with. 1. There needs to be set rules rather than moderator oversight. Most mods are biased unfortunately but this is the truth. So to avoid bias how about if you break the rules then there should be consequences. If you bend the rules then there is room for adjusting the existing rules. Dodging is a different topic. 2. If you don't accept the terms then that's completely fine. Although this categorized underneath dodging. I am not sure dodging can really be fixed other than having elo decay. If you are above 1050 you could lose 3 elo after 7 days of inactivity. If you are above 1100 elo you could lose 5 elo for every 5 days of inactivity. This will make clans more inclined to clan war if they have reached above this mark. 3. Once picking begins. You should not be able to leave the clan war without a penalty. They have this in Overwatch and League of Legends. Both play on an elo system similar to ours. This will prevent any unfairness. Nothing crazy maybe -5 elo for every clan war left. This will prevent clans from leaving if they don't get 1st pick or get the picks that they want. Also allow rejoining so that clans do not accidentally lose elo. 4. This is the same as #3. You should not be able to leave the clan war once you have entered and actually loaded into the game. Also we should change the way games start. Because what's to stop someone from starting the game before everyone is ready? Perhaps improve our "ready up" system so the game can only begin once everyone has clicked 'ready up'. This whole system can actually also be implemented with duels since it follows the same elo system.
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njab खाता खाते को नष्ट कर दिया है। |
06.10.2019 - 10:57 njab खाता खाते को नष्ट कर दिया है।
What is the point of posting this out of the thread dedicated for it? Are your ideas that much more important than ideas of basically any other person playing this game? ![]()
07.10.2019 - 22:34
C'mon Njab, don't be butthurted. That's good for all of us.
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