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लेखो: 3   द्वारा देखा गया है .: 84 users
20.01.2019 - 18:48
Wow I'm so upset that I'm not even gonna care.
20.01.2019 - 19:30
Reports such as these should be directly sent to a moderator and not posted in the general forums.

However, since you posted this in the forums it does open the general discussion. While I am sure that mods can check chat logs, it is usually good practice to screenshot the conversations themselves. Your only provided photo is a record of the game being played which does not indicate the nature of the comment(s) made towards you.
20.01.2019 - 19:52
 Heat Check (मध्यस्थ)
As Jared said, you should PM a mod or use the /report function if you're having an issue with another player.


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