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लेखो: 31   द्वारा देखा गया है .: 66 users

मूल प्रति

द्वारा time, 26.01.2015 - 06:33
Here's an idea: let's make an AW council that consists of let's say 21 AW players (because I like 21) who would be voted by the AW community.
This will significantly make decision making much more easier for admins, might as well help start implementing some of the great ideas that are still pending. Admins won't have to worry about reading every thread that discusses a new suggestion, the council will discuss everything and only inform the admins with the good ones.
27.01.2015 - 13:47
You know ...a decent human being would be ashamed of stealing and lying, but not you Militia actually took pride in deceiving Ivan, bragged about it and advised others not to spend money on this game ...and all the packages you have came from me giving you PC or your bad google translations of serbian language.

You have the nerves to think your some kind of elite ...your among worst AW trash, disgusting to look at.
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