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लेखो: 4   द्वारा देखा गया है .: 56 users
15.11.2013 - 01:51
I have something to ask the users , admins. Something strange? It was a duel game (1v1) , where , i chose Italy as homecountry , and the other player , king_Loki , has chosen England , turn 2 , he captured France , and I captured only some tiny countries like Switzerland with Bosnia and Herzegovina and the island Malta. 3th turn he just attacked Rome , my cap. , and didn't even Capture it. And he won. How?
Fully trained
15.11.2013 - 02:10
Check game rules before playing games. host sets rules, you have choice to play or not to play. live and learn
Your BOOOs mean nothing to me, I've seen what makes you cheer ..
15.11.2013 - 05:40
Just don't play against king_Loki, eph, or however he calls himself. Just put him on your ignore list/enemy list. He usually tries to seduce people to a duel by insulting them and calling them "mongrel" or whatever, and then tries to trick them by switching the victory condition to "capture Iceland" right before the game starts. He tried to do this with me too once, but I just ignored him.
15.11.2013 - 06:03
He set the winning condition to capture _______ country. You can see the victory condition from now on during country selection.

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