Game 8 open.
- Here are the 10 regions of the world with the list of countries
and their values to select:
Region 1 - France 7480 - Germany 7270 - Spain 5770 - United Kingdom 7230 - Italy 5870 - Turkey 5430 - Ukraine 2430 - Central Russia 6330 - Russia North West 3810 - Sweden 3730
Region 2 - Poland 2500 - Greece 2680 - Belarus 1260 - Austria 2070 - Romania 1920 - Serbia 950 - Bulgaria 1230 - South Russia 2630 - Norway 3420 - Finland 2510 - Denmark 1820 - Ireland 1430 - Russia Volga 3340 - Portugal 880 - Belgium 2240 - Hungary 1630 - Czech Republic 1220 - Azerbaijan 1060
Region 3 - Morocco 1570 - Algeria 1430 - Tunisia 990 - Libya 1590 - Nigeria 3420 - DR Congo 2270 - South Africa 5610 - Ethiopia 1360 - Ivory Coast 1370 - Kenya 1440 - Angola 1610 - Zimbabwe 1120 - Sudan 1190
Region 4 - Syria 1950 - Lebanon 870 - Jordan 920 - Iraq 2010 - Iran 4450 - Saudi Arabia 4670 - Kuwait 1640 - UAE 2390 - Yemen 860 - Egypt 2970
Region 5 - Afghanistan 1330 - Pakistan 4120 - Bangladesh 3520 - Burma 2250 - Thailand 4410 - Vietnam 2960 - Cambodia 750 - Uzbekistan 1380 - Russia Far East 2660 - Russia Siberia 3740
Region 6 - Taiwan 3030 - Japan 11170 - South Korea 4980 - North Korea 1080 - North China 7350 - North East China 5630 - North West China 4820 - South West China 5860 - South China 10140 - Southeast China 11130
Region 7 - Indonesia 7130 - West Australia 1990 - South Australia 1330 - Australia Victoria 2920 - Australia NGS 3440 - Australia Queensland 2590 - New Zealand 2100 - Singapore 1940 - Malaysia 2700 - Philippines 2160
Region 8 - North East 8170 - Atlantic 9780 - Great Lakes 8390 - Canada Quebec 3010 - Canada Ontario 3900 - South 2950 - Midwest 5990 - Texas 6830 - Rockies 5870 - Pacific 10210 - Canda Colombia 3390 - Mexico 6340
Region 9 - Cuba 1600 - Dominican Republic 1220 - Guatemala 1490 - Nicaragua 800 - Panama 1220 - El Salvador 820 - Honduras 460 - Jamaica 500 - Costa Rica 800 - Bahamas 460
Region 10 - Colombia 3470 - Ecuador 1960 - Venezuela 3090 - Peru 2060 - Brazil Amazon 1780 - Brazil South 2760 - Brazil South East 5930 - Brazil North East 3880 - Argentina 2900 - Chile 3610
List Players, the selection of their countries and their remaining funds.
1 : Noir Brillant R1 United Kingdom 7230 / R2 Norway 3420 / R3 Sudan 1190 / R4 Kuwait 1640 / R5 Burma 2250 / R6 Southeast China 11130 / R7 Australia NGS 3440 / R8 Pacific 10210 / R9 Guatemala 1490 / R10 Colombia 3470 = 4 530K
2 : Apocalypse R1 Turkey 5430 / R2 Greece 2680 / R3 Angola 1610 / R4 Iraq 2010 / R5 Uzbekistan 1380 / R6 North West China 4820 / R7 Singapore 1940 / R8 Atlantic 9780 / R9 Bahamas 460 / R10 Venezuela 3090 = 16 800K
3 : hulkie700 R1 Germany 7270 / R2 Poland 2500 / R3 South Africa 5610 / R4 UAE 2390 / R5 Cambodia 750 / R6 Taiwan 3030 / R7 Australia Victoria 2920 / R8 Great Lakes 8390 / R9 Dominican Republic 1220 / R10 Argentina 2900 = 13 020K
4 : branigan66 R1 Central Russia 6330 / R2 Belarus 1260 / R3 Libya 1590 / R4 Egypt 2970 / R5 Russia Siberia 3740 / R6 North Korea 1080 / R7 South Australia 1330 / R8 Midwest 5990 / R9 Costa Rica 800 / R10 Brazil North East 3880 = 19 190K
5 : SwampNewts R1 France 7480 / R2 Belgium 2240 / R3 Morocco 1570 / R4 Saudi Arabia 4670 / R5 Thailand 4410 / R6 South Korea 4980 / R7 New Zealand 2100 / R8 Rockies 5870 / R9 Panama 1220 / R10 Chile 3610 = 11 850K
6 : Hannibal SmithR1 Russia North West 3810 / R2 Finland 2510 / R3 Tunisia 990 / R4 Iran 4450 / R5 Pakistan 4120 / R6 Japan 11170 / R7 Australia Queensland 2590 R8 Canada Quebec 3010 / R9 Honduras 460 / R10 Brazil Amazon 1780 = 15 110K
7 : Prince_MurDerer R1 Spain 5770 / R2 Portugal 880 / R3 Ivory Coast 1370 / R4 Yemen 860 / R5 Vietnam 2960 / R6 South China 10140 / R7 Indonesia 7130 / R8 Canada Ontario 3900 / R9 Nicaragua 800 / R10 Ecuador 1960 = 14 230K
8 : PleaseMe R1 Ukraine 2430 / R2 Russia Volga 3340 / R3 DR Congo 2270 / R4 Syria 1950 / R5 Afghanistan 1330 / R6 North China 7350 / R7 Philippines 2160 / R8 Mexico 6340 / R9 El Salvador 820 / R10 Peru 2060 = 19 950K
9 : Vasp R1 Sweden 3730 / R2 South Russia 2630 / R3 Algeria 1430 / R4 Lebanon 870 / R5 Bangladesh 3520 / R6 South West China 5860 / R7 Malaysia 2700 / R8 Texas 6830 / R9 Jamaica 500 / R10 Brazil South 2760 = 19 170K
10 : Taz Youlkepoye R1 Italy 5870 / R2 Serbia 950 / R3 Nigeria 3420 / R4 Jordan 920 / R5 Russia Far East 2660 / R6 North East China 5630 / R7 West Australia 1990 / R8 North East 8170 / R9 Cuba 1600 / R10 Brazil South East 5930 = 13 310K
Le mot perdre ne fait pas partie de mon dictionnaire, d'ailleurs je n'ai pas de dictionnaire !
ゆめ の ちから
Oh yeah, in
Region 1 : Sweden 3730
Region 2 : South Russia 2630
Region 3 :Algeria 1430
Region 4 : Lebanon 870
Region 5 : Bangladesh 3520
Region 6 South West China 5860:
Region 7 :Malaysia 2700
Region 8 :Texas 6830
Region 9 :Jamaica 500
Region 10 :
Taz for #10, Taz for #10
Region 1 : Russia North West 3810
Region 2 : Finland 2510
Region 3 : Tunisia 990
Region 4 : Iran 4450
Region 5 : Pakistan 4120
Region 6 : Japan 11170
Region 7 : Australia Queensland 2590
Region 8 : Canada Quebec 3010
Region 9 : Honduras 460
Region 10: Brazil Amazon 1780
Region 1 : Turkey 5430
Region 2 : Greece 2680
Region 3 : Angola 1610
Region 4 : Iraq 2010
Region 5 : Uzbekistan 1380
Region 6 : North West China 4820
Region 7 : Singapore 1940
Region 8 : Atlantic 9780
Region 9 : Bahamas 460
Region 10: Venezuela 3090
Region 1 : United Kingdom 7230
Region 2 : Norway 3420 ***
Region 3 : Sudan 1190 ***
Region 4 : Kuwait 1640
Region 5 : Burma 2250
Region 6 : Southeast China 11130
Region 7 : Australia NSW 3440
Region 8 : Pacific 10210
Region 9 : Guatemala 1490
Region 10 : Colombia 3470
Game 9 open.
- This time, the selection of countries will change.
There will be a list of 10 predefined choices with 10 countries each.
Each in turn you will make the choice that suits you.
I would put the list once all the participants are known.
1 = France - Belgium - Algéria - Irak - Afghanistan - China South West - Malaisia - Brazil South - Salvador - Mexico
2 = United Kingdom - Ireland - DR Congo - UAE - Vietnam - Taiwan - New Zeland - Argentina - Guatemala - Pacifique
3 = Italia - Greece - Libya - Libanon - Japan - Russia Far East - Australia NGS - Brazil Amazonia - Rep Domnicaine - Canada Ontario
4 = Sweden - Norway - South Africa - Iran - Pakistan - China North - Austalia West - Chile - Bahamas - Canada Quebec
5 = Russia Central - Russia Volga - Russia Siberia - Zimbabwe - Yemen - China South East - Philippines - Colombia - Panama - North East
6 = Ukraine - Roumania - Ethiopia - Saudi Arabia - Thailande - China North East - Singapore - Venezuela - Cuba - Atlantic
7 = Turkey - Russia South - Syria - Nigeria - Burma - South Korea - Austalia Queensland - Equateur - Jamaica - Texas
8 = Spain - Portugal - Marocco - Koweit - Uzbekistan - North Korea - Australia Victoria - Brazil South East - Nicaragua - Rockies
9 = Russia North West - Finland - Cameroun - Egypt - Cambodge - China South - Indonesia - Brzail North East - Costa Rica - Midwest
10 = Germany - Poland - Ivory Coast - Jordania - Bangladesh - China North West - Australia South - Peru - Honduras - Great Lakes
List Players, the selection of their countries and their remaining funds.
1 : Hulkie700 = 2 United Kingdom - Ireland - DR Congo - UAE - Vietnam - Taiwan - New Zeland - Argentina - Guatemala - Pacifique
2 : branigan66 = 5 Russia Central - Russia Volga - Russia Siberia - Zimbabwe - Yemen - China South East - Philippines - Colombia - Panama - North East
3 : Mesopotamia = 4 Sweden - Norway - South Africa - Iran - Pakistan - China North - Austalia West - Chile - Bahamas - Canada Quebec
4 : SwampNewts = 10 Germany - Poland - Ivory Coast - Jordania - Bangladesh - China North West - Australia South - Peru - Honduras - Great Lakes
5 : Apocalypse = 8 Spain - Portugal - Marocco - Koweit - Uzbekistan - North Korea - Australia Victoria - Brazil South East - Nicaragua - Rockies
6 : Triger303 = 3 Italia - Greece - Libya - Libanon - Japan - Russia Far East - Australia NGS - Brazil Amazonia - Rep Domnicaine - Canada Ontario
7 : riskketo = 7 Turkey - Russia South - Syria - Nigeria - Burma - South Korea - Austalia Queensland - Equateur - Jamaica - Texas
8 : Prince_MurDerer = 9 Russia North West - Finland - Cameroun - Egypt - Cambodge - China South - Indonesia - Brzail North East - Costa Rica - Midwest
9 : Hannibal Smith = 6 Ukraine - Roumania - Ethiopia - Saudi Arabia - Thailande - China North East - Singapore - Venezuela - Cuba - Atlantic
10 : kyleboucher 1 = France - Belgium - Algéria - Irak - Afghanistan - China South West - Malaisia - Brazil South - Salvador - Mexico
Le mot perdre ne fait pas partie de mon dictionnaire, d'ailleurs je n'ai pas de dictionnaire !
ゆめ の ちから
In if not to late to join
I won game 7, gg everyone :
Game 10 open.
- This time, the selection of countries will change.
There will be a list of 10 predefined choices with 10 countries each.
Each in turn you will make the choice that suits you.
I would put the list once all the participants are known.
1 = France - Belgium - Algéria - Irak - Afghanistan - China South West - Malaisia - Brazil South - Salvador - Mexico
2 = United Kingdom - Ireland - DR Congo - UAE - Vietnam - Taiwan - New Zeland - Argentina - Guatemala - Pacifique
3 = Italia - Greece - Libya - Libanon - Japan - Russia Far East - Australia NGS - Brazil Amazonia - Rep Domnicaine - Canada Ontario
4 = Sweden - Norway - South Africa - Iran - Pakistan - China North - Austalia West - Chile - Bahamas - Canada Quebec
5 = Russia Central - Russia Volga - Russia Siberia - Zimbabwe - Yemen - China South East - Philippines - Colombia - Panama - North East
6 = Ukraine - Roumania - Ethiopia - Saudi Arabia - Thailande - China North East - Singapore - Venezuela - Cuba - Atlantic
7 = Turkey - Russia South - Syria - Nigeria - Burma - South Korea - Austalia Queensland - Equateur - Jamaica - Texas
8 = Spain - Portugal - Marocco - Koweit - Uzbekistan - North Korea - Australia Victoria - Brazil South East - Nicaragua - Rockies
9 = Russia North West - Finland - Cameroun - Egypt - Cambodge - China South - Indonesia - Brzail North East - Costa Rica - Midwest
10 = Germany - Poland - Ivory Coast - Jordania - Bangladesh - China North West - Australia South - Peru - Honduras - Great Lakes
List Players, the selection of their countries and their remaining funds.
1 Hannibal Smith :
2 Mesopotamia :
3 branigan66 :
4 hulkie700 :
5 riskketo :
6 Dr.Known :
7 Apocalypse :
8 SwampNewts :
Le mot perdre ne fait pas partie de mon dictionnaire, d'ailleurs je n'ai pas de dictionnaire !
ゆめ の ちから