Max on equite
''Everywhere where i am absent, they commit nothing but follies''
I would like to invite andartes and zeph to Gazophylacium
लिखा द्वारा 4nic, 30.10.2017 at 06:03
Max on equite
if you wish to roll for equite come to rome and roll for it, swear loyalty to empror leto and donate your money after rolling for equite, you also should sell equites if i wish
I would like to invite andartes and zeph to Gazophylacium
I accept.
Edit: call it Reformatio instead, we get the Servilian Law
Someone Better Than You
Buying 3 vets ;
Legio XXIII Clibanarii
Legio XXIV Cataphractarii
Legio XXV Scholae Palatinae
rest to private bank account in Judea
लिखा द्वारा 4nic, 30.10.2017 at 06:03
Max on equite
if you wish to roll for equite come to rome and roll for it, swear loyalty to empror leto and donate your money after rolling for equite, you also should sell equites if i wish
oh right, not doing that kay
''Everywhere where i am absent, they commit nothing but follies''
sorry for this empi and pavle but you chould had paid 100 talents to me
by 4+ we meant if power diffrences are 4+
heres the deal with white, not everything can be enforced by mod but this should be enforced by honor
also http://prntscr.com/h40amj
Oh btw I put everything into MrArmy's faction's bank
Someone Better Than You
Also "honour deals" ruined this game, this game is all about treachery and double-crossing but now if you accept "honour deal" you're confirmed to have treacherous thoughts in mind. Fuck honour deals.
Someone Better Than You
sorry for this empi and pavle but you chould had paid 100 talents to me
impossible honor dealing, since he doesnt control his legions, we can send them anywhere, you are both cancerous.
==Turn 48: Phase 3 has begun==
Also "honour deals" ruined this game, this game is all about treachery and double-crossing but now if you accept "honour deal" you're confirmed to have treacherous thoughts in mind. Fuck honour deals.
just make them with no details and shit... if you are smart enough to trick the other side
i was suppose to give empi tons of money before my rebblion, tricked him and now i have to get 2 commandes against barbarians from rome to the deal to be over
लिखा द्वारा Oleg, 30.10.2017 at 13:10
sorry for this empi and pavle but you chould had paid 100 talents to me
impossible honor dealing, since he doesnt control his legions, we can send them anywhere, you are both cancerous.
his family control them, you cant use them, and they will join me once he is back
tnx for killing him, without it i would be a winning family meh
Rush spain and rush gaul,
put legates
end turn
(rebels do your turn please):D
लिखा द्वारा Aetius, 30.10.2017 at 13:26
Note: since nearer spain and cisalpine gaul have fallen, taxes does not reach exiled senate treasury
I am aware governors aren't accurate, check forum phase pastebin to see real governors/legates. I can't fix it or else it rerolls every province
does that means those are the same rolls from last turn?, reroll if yes please:)
I name Pavle my heir
We build elite auxilia with the funds we have raised and send the entire army to armenia led by me
then redeploy to pavle who leads the civil war
100% tax also
If I can still do this, assuming I have 34 talents I would like to pay for 1 vet and donate however much is needed for another auxilia
I join Jesus rebellion
you are welcome if you agree to do not assassin anyone, you wont command any battles unless you agree that i pick the start
honor deals for both, also you have to agree to give me full ghost for you and your stuff (money equites ect)
i agree
If I can still do this, assuming I have 34 talents I would like to pay for 1 vet and donate however much is needed for another auxilia
where the fuck did you get 34 talents
Someone Better Than You
Money money money
where the fuck did you get 34 talents
I join Jesus rebellion
you are welcome if you agree to do not assassin anyone, you wont command any battles unless you agree that i pick the start
honor deals for both, also you have to agree to give me full ghost for you and your stuff (money equites ect)
i agree
let him in (you need to be aware of that both white army and pking is with me so if you try anything jewish i will kill them and you ofc as punishment)
I name Pavle my heir
We build elite auxilia with the funds we have raised and send the entire army to armenia led by me
then redeploy to pavle who leads the civil war
100% tax also
you must command the main army, and i am pretty sure once you redeploy the forces can only defence the place you redeploy to (unless you split the army between 2 wars, and you must command the bigger army)
If I can still do this, assuming I have 34 talents I would like to pay for 1 vet and donate however much is needed for another auxilia
to buy vets for yourself you must be a commander of a war ( i will be gald to give you commands if you join me:) )
to buy vets for yourself you must be a commander of a war ( i will be gald to give you commands if you join me:) )
How the fuck did you invent that rule?
Someone Better Than You
to buy vets for yourself you must be a commander of a war ( i will be gald to give you commands if you join me:) )
How the fuck did you invent that rule?
i didnt, white wanted to buy a vet before he got assassinated and he did, then aetius came online and said he cant do that because he must be a commander, i suppose that effects mrarmy aswell
to buy vets for yourself you must be a commander of a war ( i will be gald to give you commands if you join me:) )
How the fuck did you invent that rule?
Only the state can recruit legions, commanders via gabinian law, or governors. I guess mrarmy is governor of egypt so its ok
If I can still do this, assuming I have 34 talents I would like to pay for 1 vet and donate however much is needed for another auxilia
to buy vets for yourself you must be a commander of a war ( i will be gald to give you commands if you join me:) )
dude, please, just read military reforms, we bought vets for ouselves, paid 25...
लिखा द्वारा Oleg, 31.10.2017 at 13:18
If I can still do this, assuming I have 34 talents I would like to pay for 1 vet and donate however much is needed for another auxilia
to buy vets for yourself you must be a commander of a war ( i will be gald to give you commands if you join me:) )
dude, please, just read military reforms, we bought vets for ouselves, paid 25...
i talked about mrarmy vet, not about your vets they are fine
लिखा द्वारा Oleg, 31.10.2017 at 13:18
If I can still do this, assuming I have 34 talents I would like to pay for 1 vet and donate however much is needed for another auxilia
to buy vets for yourself you must be a commander of a war ( i will be gald to give you commands if you join me:) )
dude, please, just read military reforms, we bought vets for ouselves, paid 25...
i talked about mrarmy vet, not about your vets they are fine
same thing about mr army...