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मूल प्रति

द्वारा Garde, 10.04.2012 - 18:05
By that, I mean any sort of opinion or deep-down feeling I have for everything I can think of. Originally this thread was only meant for Afterwind, but I guess any sort of secrets do fine (*ahem* LILD). I told myself I wouldn't make this thread, but I got bored, so here we are. Anyways, let's start:

Lucky Bastard is my favorite strategy,

Cow is my hero,

I act like I hate Byzantia, but in reality I admire worship them,

Zizou is a false prophet,

I think Yoba is the tits,

HeyI was my favorite mod (now favorite skype buddy),

My new favorite mod is Acqu,

I always imagined Barrymore would be a british nigra,

Fruit is Manly>Dalmati pups,

The Entente was like a second family too me,

Fruit is a cool guy giv him rep plz kthxbai,

I hate playing on Europe,

I love playing in Oceania,

I don't favor the KongPlayers,

My favorite forum is Strategies,

I think Amok was the doer,

I think Ivan was the thinker,

My favorite clan was Zanarkand Abes,

I think TopHats is a trap,

I think Pinheiro is the coolest Brazilian I know,

I think Guest14502 should be like Harvey Birdman (Attorney at law),

I think Rep shows how much of a whore you are (Don't worry guys, 164 so far!),

My "Mentor" was Sificvoid,

I care for Zeroaintdead and Aksarben like I knew them forever,

Houdini is a winner,

Gigglin was always right,

Jericho is Serious Business,

I personally dislike Afterwind tourneys after the fact in the first one I was paired with the best player on the game at that time,

Vaglneer is best Niglett,

I'm currently flunking Algebra,

I hate School entirely,

My favorite animes are Bleach, Boku no Pico (HAHAHA), and Whatever shit is on Adult swim,

Did I mention Fruit is cool guy? Rep him plz,

Halo is b3st ga3m 3var <3,

I can't live without my computer,

I believe war is the physical action of Greed,

More to come.

I can't think of any more right now, post some of your own
11.04.2012 - 12:21
I forgot a few...

I wish I could play Tank General without all the stigma that comes with it. It's honestly a good strategy, don't be hatin'.

Desu is probably the best player in Afterwind.

I suck at most games in general, maybe except Europa Universalis III.

In world games, I almost always pick South America or China. Occasionally Vietnam or some country in Indochina. Literally just these. Oh, and in world 2 countries, I almost always pick Mexico and a province of the USA.

I've never farmed for rep unlike SOME Byzantia players (you know who you are, scum).

I've played AW while tipsy a couple of times, which, needless to say, was not a good experience (clumsiness, clumsiness everywhere).

I get really frustrated at keinbernds who say "that feel".

I also hate 4channers with all of my hard (short-lived /int/ meme right there).

I thought The Godfather was a bore, a doze.

I actually boot into XP more than Linux, purely due to the games. Which sucks, because Linux (pedants who say "GNU/Linux" can go to hell) is clearly the superior operating system not just technically but also for the end user. Definitely for my crappy old computer!

I don't mind most genres of music, as much as I try to oppose what everyone else likes.

I have a giant ego and I'm pretty arrogant, which I don't much like about myself. Then again, I feel like this ego is what keeps me sane, muhahahaha.

LOL, I occasionally skip Gard's TL;DR posts as well. Unless he asks me to reply to them. Then again, I know this is a bit hypocritical as I make lots of extra-long posts too.

From the point at which he reached 600 posts on the forum, LilD started a competition with me to get more posts. So he posted things like "Yes", "I agree" and other one-line replies to threads just to get as many posts as possible. He surpassed me at about the 850 mark. Then he stopped posting really short replies, thank God. At least I think mine through a bit.

EDIT: WOW, WTF. I just realised I have over 1000 posts! o_O
Youth-Oriented, Bydło-Approved
11.04.2012 - 12:40
I like this post, feels like i'm free to say everything

I hate discussions in the room about religion or bashing countries

Arguin over the internet is like running in the special olympics, even if you win, you're still retarded

I always say '5mins' when someone is asking me for a 1v1

50% of what is reported to mods can't be taken serious

When BiteMe was #1, we didn't had real opponents

I am indeed disappointed in LDK for leaving BM2, although i won't admit that

I am also dissapointed in Pinheiro and TopHats. I have the feel that they didn't actually add anything to BiteMe and only joined for personal matters

Its the same as other dis-loyal players like Cow, Counterpart and Ironail, but i expected these acts from them, so i'm not dissapointed in them

I will reject Cow, TopHats, Counterpart, Ironail, Pinheiro and LDK when they would ask to come back

Except that, i won't act other then usual towards them

I don't have this feeling towards other players that left BM2

Cow has done more for BiteMe then i will ever admit

I regret declining tesla and Nateballer to BiteMe

I sometimes have to use google translator to find the right words

Ironail is overrated

I have no idea where Sol is, but i want him to come back

I mostly chat with Caulerpa, in moderators chat

I sometimes stay awake at night, for just chatting on AW

I think Gardevoir has a split personality, and i like one half of it

I never heard of 'Arbitrator' until about 2/3 weeks ago

People will get mad at me for posting this

People most times get mad at me, when i don't agree with them

People always disagree when they got muted
Exceptional claims demand exceptional evidence.
11.04.2012 - 12:53
लिखा द्वारा Hugosch, 11.04.2012 at 12:40

I think Gardevoir has a split personality, and i like one half of it

So do I, except there's about 5 of them.
11.04.2012 - 12:56
 Acquiesce (मध्यस्थ)
I don't think Gardevoir thought that this thread would be so popular

I think the "word association game" thread is genius (way to go YOBA)

I also often check to see if Kaptain_Kraut came back yet

I always thought Lucius was the younger brother until about a week ago

I think that most scenarios are shite because people don't work hard enough on them

I used to think LDK and Counterpart were the same person, no idea why

I think Hellenic Macedonians is the most annoying coalition ever

I don't really like 1v1 games

I think that in a normal Afterwind game everyone should start in a peace treaty like irl

Sometimes I go in the beginners lobby and just watch the noobs

I have never rep farmed but I don't think it should be punishable

I think the nuke idea is stupid
The church is near, but the road is icy... the bar is far away, but I will walk carefully...
11.04.2012 - 13:10
Thought of a few more:

I tried asking to be a mod when I first joined, Amok told me to be more active on the forums...

...and since he told me that, i've been a massive forum whore,

I befriended ~Specter and ~HeyI in a world game where they saved me from being conquered,

I Thought Vafika was a really cool dude, but whenever I tried talking to him he ignored me,

I once tried applying to /int/ but had no clue what /int/ was at the time etc,

I tried being a mod again once but Ivan rejected it,

since then I never want to be a mod,

When I first joined Afterwind I was scared by everyone older than me,

The best mod we've had so far is Pinheiro in my opinion,

I try have different personalities for in-game and the forums,

No matter how much people have tried, i'll always be a sub-par player because I have no self-confidence,

I like to think everyone on Afterwind knows me well, but I know that all they know is that I fucked up pretty bad,

I don't ever recall Pitteh beating me, though I wouldn't doubt it,

Zeroaintdead was always my Afterwind buddy, and still is,

I once had feelings for Aksarben,

If I can think of one player I hate more than any other, it's Gigglin,

I constantly contemplate deleting my account, but I act like people would care so I don't,

I've rep farmed,

I find the in-game soundtrack to be really good for this kind of game,

If I could go back to how I was before March 2011, I would even if it meant losing all of the knowledge I have now,

I like to think of Afterwind as one big drama,

Even though Entente has been dead for half a year, I still think about it as though it still existed,

The only game that could ever even have a shot at taking me away from Afterwind is Halo, but I don't even think Halo could,

I think all of my scenarios are shit, and the only reason they aren't played is because I made them,

I always tell myself to never give up and to never die, but I know eventually I'll have too.

I think that's everything, if anyone has any questions that I didn't answer here PM me them.
11.04.2012 - 13:11
लिखा द्वारा Acquiesce, 11.04.2012 at 12:56

I don't think Gardevoir thought that this thread would be so popular

I think the "word association game" thread is genius (way to go YOBA)

I also often check to see if Kaptain_Kraut came back yet

I always thought Lucius was the younger brother until about a week ago

I think that most scenarios are shite because people don't work hard enough on them

I used to think LDK and Counterpart were the same person, no idea why

I think Hellenic Macedonians is the most annoying coalition ever

I don't really like 1v1 games

I think that in a normal Afterwind game everyone should start in a peace treaty like irl

Sometimes I go in the beginners lobby and just watch the noobs

I have never rep farmed but I don't think it should be punishable

I think the nuke idea is stupid

I remember Tanodes!
11.04.2012 - 13:22
I don't have a staple strategy

I use to play till I had 200 SP then surrendered. I stopped after realizing it destroyed my W/L ratio

I sometimes follow very good players into games and spectate to see what they do to be so good.

I still don't know if LilDGoinIn is a troll or if he's serious and very patriotic about Jamaica

I think the nuke idea is stupid and retarded and makes no sense

I think the mod's should do more... moderating.

There's another player who says he didn't know me before he joined.... his name is riffit.

I think Europe games are stupid and way to repetitive, unless there just quick 2 minute turn games.

I, along as many others found after wind because of the game roblox, witch I don't play cause after wind is way more fun.

I'm addicted to after wind

Oh and I also think rep is stupid and pointless and there's to many attention craving dicks on after wind.
~My plump juicy breasts are none of your god damn business~
11.04.2012 - 14:03
I didn't rate Desu as a player until about 2 weeks ago.

I asked to join Bite Me as a rank 6 but was declined

I was going to join Bite Me2 but went to Kanker cos they asked first

I still believe LilD is a troll becuase no one can possibly act that way

I get about a post a week from Argentinians asking me whether I am actually from the Falklands

I am actually from the Falklands

I totally regret making an SM guide because it now seems to be everywhere and as a natural hipster I hate playing a mainstream strat

I don't care about rep and won't do anything to raise it but at the same time I'm a bit mad because it's not as high as everyone else

Ifinlandi and Hdrakon1 are the funniest people on Afterwind without exception

I've not yet met a person on AW I dislike

Macedonians and Israelis make themselves look like complete fools all the time

I enjoy Afterwind less now that people have got better

Rushkaball once called me an annoying cunt to play against and that is my proudest AW achievement to date

I will try to stay rank 8 for the rest of Afterwinds existance (cos hipster) and I wish I could go back to rank 6 just to beat higher players

I enjoy discussing Afterwind starts more than I enjoy playing them

I really believe that I should be the mod for Byzantia because I'm more objective than the others

India should be split in two

I believe I was the best SM player in game at one point but now I think Houdini is the best

Byzantia having so many of the best players in one clan is bad for afterwind and I would happily make a clan with half of Byzantia to play some interesting CWs if we wouldn't get accused of SP farming

I am not a rapper, I just started to prove that poetry is infinitely superior

The raps I posted were not my actual accent

I was invited to, joined and left Philosophius without a word being said by or to me.

I have never met a bunch of people online that I like as much as the people in Byzantia.

I assumed Acquiesce was a dick until I actually read some of his posts and now he's my favourite mod.

My Balanced scenarios are the best scenarios in afterwind.

I would like Gardevoir more if he posted less
लिखा द्वारा Amok, 29.04.2012 at 08:36

Gardevoir, your obnoxiousness really baffles me sometimes...just leave for good already or stop whining.
11.04.2012 - 15:26
लिखा द्वारा Barrymore, 11.04.2012 at 14:03

I asked to join Bite Me as a rank 6 but was declined

Who did you ask? Me?
Exceptional claims demand exceptional evidence.
11.04.2012 - 15:31
- I'm addicted to this thread

- I'm always afraid of disappoint players I consider as friends

- I feel I disappointed half of WBL when I left it

- I only stood on WBL for so long because Sifcvoid told me I was the reason for him to keep on playing AW

- I came back to WBL because Nate asked me too

- I feel I could do a better job in my coalition and as a mod

- I don't like rep farming

- Hugosch is the best mod, but most players don't know half of what he does

- I regret playing a CW with two ranks 6 against Kanker/Solunae/Byzantia

- I was very confident I could win the 2v2 tournament and I still dislike the way Sony played with me

- I wish that Gigglin comes back and takes the first place again

- GW is better than MoS even in world games

- I feel like I was the first player who actually tried and did well with GW (hipster)

- I wish I could talk more with Philipho

- In my opinion, coalitions shouldn't split players so much apart from each other, and that's one of the reasons I'm not so active anymore
"Whenever death may surprise us, let it be welcome if our battle cry has reached even one receptive ear and another hand reaches out to take up our arms".
11.04.2012 - 16:29
लिखा द्वारा Riffdis, 11.04.2012 at 13:22

I still don't know if LilDGoinIn is a troll or if he's serious and very patriotic about Jamaica

I am just patriotic about Jamaica

I am also a rep whore

SP whore

No Allies Fag

Recently am gettin too much beef

Lub to stupid rap

Hate dem lames

Won Houdini's Holy War

Enemy listed Desu

See YOBA as mi superior mentally

Secretly lol @hdrakon's words

Secretly gloat that I beat TopHats 1v1

Wish to even 1v1 score between me and sixstars (LilD: 2 Six: 21)

Plan to troll Houdini with gust accounts

Hope opening a "Beef" topic is allowed

Secretly making massive rap verse on Barrymore, Houdini, and anyone else I hate that are active

Secretly think theres something off about VAGlNEER
I like stuff.... Yay?
11.04.2012 - 17:13
लिखा द्वारा Hugosch, 11.04.2012 at 15:26

लिखा द्वारा Barrymore, 11.04.2012 at 14:03

I asked to join Bite Me as a rank 6 but was declined

Who did you ask? Me?

I'm pretty sure it was and you had a rank limit so I couldn't join
लिखा द्वारा Amok, 29.04.2012 at 08:36

Gardevoir, your obnoxiousness really baffles me sometimes...just leave for good already or stop whining.
11.04.2012 - 17:23
I was introduced to this game by Counterpart who was introduced by doberman211

I thought South Africa was the best strategic starting place until rank 4

My win/loss ratio was 58-110 until I bought premium

I only played 50k games until rank 6

I cheated in the scariest player poll

I think Pinheiro is the nicest player in this game

I've never farmed rep

The reason why I play so much is because Fruit said I sucked when I was a rank 6

I've been addicted ever since

Sky Menace is the only strategy that I've ever lost to in a 1v1

The only person that's beaten me with a different strategy was NateBaller

I feel as though Byzantia hate me

Guest is the most mysterious player in afterwind

The only words zizou has ever said to me; "Give me money pls."

I am male
Don't trust the manipulative rabbit.
11.04.2012 - 17:37
लिखा द्वारा tophat, 10.04.2012 at 21:36

लिखा द्वारा Hugosch, 10.04.2012 at 16:55

Shows proof of TopHats cheating

Hugo I am disapoint made fool of me you have.

लिखा द्वारा tophat, 11.04.2012 at 17:23

I cheated in the scariest player poll

I rest my case
Exceptional claims demand exceptional evidence.
11.04.2012 - 17:40
लिखा द्वारा tophat, 11.04.2012 at 17:23
I am male

Youth-Oriented, Bydło-Approved
11.04.2012 - 17:53
लिखा द्वारा Hugosch, 11.04.2012 at 17:37

लिखा द्वारा tophat, 10.04.2012 at 21:36

लिखा द्वारा Hugosch, 10.04.2012 at 16:55

Shows proof of TopHats cheating

Hugo I am disapoint made fool of me you have.

लिखा द्वारा tophat, 11.04.2012 at 17:23

I cheated in the scariest player poll

I rest my case

Hugo, i feel as though you hate me now and said i didnt add anything to BM. Didn't I make some guides in the BM forum?
Don't trust the manipulative rabbit.
11.04.2012 - 19:36
I am a girl
11.04.2012 - 20:45
Got a few moar:

The first time I talked to Vafika on skype, he sent me to a Magic tricks video (Brain magic huehue),

Pitteh was my favorite Robloxian (miss you ),

The forums for every coalition I've created were the best (Hentai threads, Macho man Randy Savage, No-life, Durrhunter, Newspapers, Durrhunter),

I've tried to make the language of all of my coalitions Al Bhed, but only me and my very close friends could ever speak it without a translator,

I sometimes go into 1v1's with new players and purposely lose so they can feel accomplished and happy,

I still think Tophats is Hideyoshi,

I once beat Pinheiro in a 1v1, but i'm 100% positive he let me (Still, thanks buddy ),

I used to put "Deuces" at the end of every post I made (I edited them all, of course. What a silly boy I was. Take a lesson, LilD),

I still try to play the game like it was originally built (Random hits etc),

Gosutoripazu was my first coalition,

Alexxxxi is my British Columbian Buddy-friend ,

I'm pretty sure if Ivan ever met me he would beat the shit out of me ,

I like it when mods have a sense of humor, or post this emoticon ,

I have posted 2100+ times, and Amok still never messaged me back if I had "posted enough on the forum", is this enough yet??? ,

I used to have a friend named Yoopers, not fucking clue where he went ,

I love starting as France <3,

I have only now realized Blitz is a terribad strat and must be gassed ,

Learster used to correct me in a friendly way on everything ,

Is this everything I can think of? Probably not.
11.04.2012 - 22:45
लिखा द्वारा KYBL, 11.04.2012 at 20:03

I wore a tutu while playing AW for a whole week because I thought it gave me "Tutu Powers"

I went to Jordan and pushed an Imam once

Am I a bad person if this made me ROFL?

also, I'm going to post one of these soon when it's not 11:45 PM and I have to get up at 6 AM
Qui non proficit, deficit. UCR 5/5/11-2/14/12. 6/17/12 - Coniunctum, sumus invicta.
11.04.2012 - 22:46
लिखा द्वारा TDFall, 11.04.2012 at 22:45

लिखा द्वारा KYBL, 11.04.2012 at 20:03

I wore a tutu while playing AW for a whole week because I thought it gave me "Tutu Powers"

I went to Jordan and pushed an Imam once

Am I a bad person if this made me ROFL?

also, I'm going to post one of these soon when it's not 11:45 PM and I have to get up at 6 AM

It's 11:46 and I get up at 10am tomorrow
12.04.2012 - 00:07
लिखा द्वारा TDFall, 11.04.2012 at 22:45

लिखा द्वारा KYBL, 11.04.2012 at 20:03

I wore a tutu while playing AW for a whole week because I thought it gave me "Tutu Powers"

I went to Jordan and pushed an Imam once

Am I a bad person if this made me ROFL?

also, I'm going to post one of these soon when it's not 11:45 PM and I have to get up at 6 AM

Half of mine were meant to make people ROFL

12.04.2012 - 01:47
I keep checking this thread to see if I'm mentioned

I'm surprised at how often I've been mentioned

I don't enjoy being rank 10 at all

I only have fun in AW when playing with friends

I raced beat Aristosseur to rank 9 to make him mad and it worked.

I rage'd at how fucking terrible LilD's SM Ukraine tutorial is

I taught Desu, Vaglneer and Pulse SM Ukraine

"Inspired by Desu and improved upon" - Reason why LilD will never leave my latejoin on sight-high priority enemy list. Holy war, for Ukraine.

I thought Acquiesce and Aristosseur were the same person for a very long time

I used to think world games were the best, now I like team games a lot more.

There are a decent amount of players in Byzantia that I don't like

I read every single forum post, but rarely reply because its not worth the effort and most of the posts are shitty.

I love groups of players who speak in their native language during games in chat. They always think they can use it as an ally chat just because it's not in english. Google translate, motherfucker.

I like everyone who posts that they play high or drunk more than I did before I knew that about them.

I've taken a lot of LSD.

I assume everyone on afterwind is 17 years old until they indicate otherwise.

I wish I wasn't right about that assumption. I wish afterwind had an older fan base.

I'm really not sure how I somehow have 182 rep, but i'm ok with this.

I miss being a no-name in afterwind, sometimes I like to think I am. But then my dreams get shattered.

I wish Byzantia had more competition from other coalitions, equal strength or not. I get sick of trying to convince people to CW and getting turned down every day.

I sometimes want to join another cln because of this, but I'd feel bad leaving my bros in Byzantia so I won't.

I would have quit afterwind at rank 7 if I hadn't have gotten into SRB.

I think the mods should be more strict than they are.

I think implementing a wordfilter would be both hilarious and effective for easy moderation.

Barrymore would probably be the best SM player if he played more. He deserves every single one of your reps, so rep him ok. (Disclaimer: Link, when clicked, reps him)

I believe Amok has seriously damaged the forums overall quality by encouraging Gardevoir to post so much.

Zizou is the boogieman of afterwind, he will latejoin you in your dreams.
Czech yourself before you wreck yourself.
12.04.2012 - 02:08
I used to think Fruit hated me because I cap rushed him once in a REVs vs SRBs team game

The only reason I'm still playing AW is because of Byzantiabros

I also wish Byzantia had more competition.

I once spoke with zizou using google translate and my rudimentary italian skills.
लिखा द्वारा Mahdi, 23.11.2013 at 20:30

I don't consider the phrase "massive fag" to be an insult. Mods did.
12.04.2012 - 03:18
लिखा द्वारा tophat, 11.04.2012 at 17:53

Hugo, i feel as though you hate me now and said i didnt add anything to BM. Didn't I make some guides in the BM forum?

Yes you did add guides, and no i don't hate you (i also don't hate counterpart, Xevah, Pinheiro, LDK. I still see them as my in game friends). Problem is: You left BM with saying something like there isn't enough activity. You could also do something about it or inform me about your unhappiness, instead of running away. As i stated before, i like loyalty and players that will stay in BM to help, even when we are last in the coalition ladder. For this same reason i rejected most invites from others when we where #1, i had the feeling they only joined because of us being #1.

In Dutch there is a saying: "The rats are the first to leave a sinking ship"
Exceptional claims demand exceptional evidence.
12.04.2012 - 03:32
I like this kind of community stuff where you get to know the players better

Even though I rather play by my own

I do so because I think theres mostly retarded people around here

I thought so of Cow too, until we started to speak in German with each other. Suddenly he seemed like a genuine person

LiodaGobert was constantly asking me to join Warborn Legion for like 2 weeks or so

We talked about both our times in the army and it felt like two veterans sitting in a bar

He was such a nice guy that I at last gave in

At WBL I found two more friends in Pinheiro and sificvoid

sific is the only Afterwind player I added to my Facebook

I left WBL when all three of the above went inactive or left the coalition

Now I'm happy to be on my own again

I learned to hate the question "why?" when declining a thousand coalition invites and alliance requests

Because of that I though of joining the German coalition

I did not do so because hdrakon1 is one of their members

When I was having my swearing-in at the army I puked in front of like 2000 people, including all of my commanders and my whole family, with one hand on the German flag

I did so because they served a really good sausage stew of which I ate 3 portions right before the event

When I tryed to play it cool and go on with the show as if nothing had ever happened, medics stormed at me from all over the place and carried me away as if I was dying

They were joined by my crying grandma
12.04.2012 - 04:40
खाता खाते को नष्ट कर दिया है।
लिखा द्वारा Hugosch, 12.04.2012 at 03:18

In Dutch there is a saying: "The rats are the first to leave a sinking ship"

I feel like I am a rat.

I want to kill serbs or whatever who talk in their language and i dont understand a single shit that they say.

I want to kill vagineer because thinks im from pakistan???????? (wtf!?)

I hate people who rush first turn, although if someone joins right next to me in a world game i do it to them anyway.

I hate people who kick me out of world games because i joined next to them, but i do it to people who join next to me anyway.

I once punched a manutd supporter at Old Trafford, when Liverpool beat them 4-1 (I was drunk with my mates lol)
12.04.2012 - 11:09
लिखा द्वारा Guest, 12.04.2012 at 04:40

I hate people who kick me out of world games because i joined next to them, but i do it to people who join next to me anyway.

Exactly why I hate El_Kolonel

12.04.2012 - 11:27
I fucking hate atenttion whores
Dont aprove xn0izes actions
I like Sixstars
Miss to fight with Zog
Empire SRB is my only coalition
Dont like the Byzantia name
I dont sex with animals not even goats
Ragequited SRB 8 times
I get mad very easy
I dont want ever to play cw
I am a cook in RL even though I hate that job
Houdini king
Houdini best
Houdini just Houdini
You fuck with the best you die like the rest !!!
12.04.2012 - 12:23
लिखा द्वारा Houdini, 12.04.2012 at 01:47

I rage'd at how fucking terrible LilD's SM Ukraine tutorial is

I did that one to troll! XD Looks like it worked too. I have 2 other SM Ukraine expansions. One Arby's told me to do (Used alot) and one I copied got from Pera.

ps mi win di Holy War
I like stuff.... Yay?
12.04.2012 - 15:31
लिखा द्वारा Hugosch, 12.04.2012 at 03:18

लिखा द्वारा tophat, 11.04.2012 at 17:53

Hugo, i feel as though you hate me now and said i didnt add anything to BM. Didn't I make some guides in the BM forum?

Yes you did add guides, and no i don't hate you (i also don't hate counterpart, Xevah, Pinheiro, LDK. I still see them as my in game friends). Problem is: You left BM with saying something like there isn't enough activity. You could also do something about it or inform me about your unhappiness, instead of running away. As i stated before, i like loyalty and players that will stay in BM to help, even when we are last in the coalition ladder. For this same reason i rejected most invites from others when we where #1, i had the feeling they only joined because of us being #1.

In Dutch there is a saying: "The rats are the first to leave a sinking ship"

I'm sorry for disappointing you. I hope we can still be friends
Don't trust the manipulative rabbit.
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