01.07.2015 - 05:06
[Warning] Nostalgia included [Warning] I am wondering what happened to the well known worldgames community? Why most of the new people in this game, dont like to waste time or play worldgames at all. And with that I mean good old 3k/5k/10k FFA or max 1/2 allies worldgames. Before mapmaking was invented worldgames used to be like the daily thing in AW most of the times 80% filled. Now these questions are towards the community: - What makes you not wanting to play worldgames compared to other maps/gamestyles? - And do you think worldgames should make a comeback, and why you think this? Most of the comments will probably be ''I dont have time to do that'' but lets not forget alot of people are wasting time on watching games, sitting in the lobby chatting, watching cw's or playing big scenarios like RP/UN which take several hours too. (myself included)
01.07.2015 - 05:17
Love world games. I just wish they had more people in them. It has become something like you fight the one guy in your area and go onto fighting people in other continents.
01.07.2015 - 05:17
First of all, I played it too much and gotten bored of it. Second, world maps are pretty unbalanced *cough* INDIA *cough* and not really worked on a lot since they were created before atWar was released
---- Someone Better Than You
01.07.2015 - 05:20
Thats exactly my problem too. Sometimes you can get a full worldgame 20/20 after waiting a couple of times, then you must be lucky that those players dont leave before turn 5, because thats most likely the main problem that almost every turn one or twice players leave.
01.07.2015 - 05:25
I understand your first statement, but I dont slightly understand the second one. If you are talking about India do you mean in 50k world? (because obviously, 50k is most likely 95% unbalanced in every situation) or do you mean in 5k/3k/10k/15k? Because I know after plenty of worldgames that india is pretty poor and the area around it too. A well filled worldgame has minimum of 2/3 persons in each continent (africa/australia are exceptions) so India cant get a freepass on asia or well funded areas which makes india pretty balanced with troop amounts and funding areas. So I think India is pretty much balanced played with correctly strategies like Imperialist, Guerrila Warfare, even Perfect Defense.
01.07.2015 - 05:25
Allyfag. That's the problem. Like Of said, you fight 1 guy and then end up fighting other continents. Or worse yet you fight one guy and by the time your battle is one the rest of the damn globe has allied and they tag team you out.
01.07.2015 - 05:28
Yeah thats why me and I think I can speak for alot of people, that ''we'' prefer low ally amounts or even Free For All games. The thing is, low ranks used to be trained to not allyfagg everyone they can, the community actually reached out to low ranks and helped them with this game, now I barely see that happening. And the players in UN's and RP's are stimulating people to actually allyfag early so they can ''end'' the game and get a small amount of SP.
01.07.2015 - 05:46
Yeah it would be awesome to have 1 ally default.
01.07.2015 - 05:49
Would be lovely or even 0 allies ![]()
01.07.2015 - 07:38
Good question. These days every world game is 50k cash which may very well be one of the reasons we have so many narbs. IMO 50k should be a premium option.
---- The church is near, but the road is icy... the bar is far away, but I will walk carefully...
01.07.2015 - 07:43
Agree I think making it premium would indeed prevent it but we also will be damaging peoples free choice of what they want ;_;
01.07.2015 - 07:43
I agree, these games used to be classics and now they are very rare to find. I support a World game comeback, I just don't know how it can be done.
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01.07.2015 - 08:10
If I had enough time id take a proper world game over 3v3 anytime, everytime, and all the time. Support making 50k for premium only. Maybe even 25k, so that 15k is the new norm for beginners (which is reasonable). Honestly a 20 player stacked world game is much more fun than any scenario, and that's what the community needs to realize.
---- We are not the same - I am a Martian. We are not the same - I am a... divided constellation? ![]()
01.07.2015 - 09:22
omg ok so true ;_;
01.07.2015 - 09:26
The problem is further....the title of topic says question to cummunity but i see that only some guys replied and most of them old players....we should do something so small ranks adn generaly newbies be more active to forums so they will learn about our ideas....
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01.07.2015 - 09:38
Yeah also true ;_; but most of them dont know how.
01.07.2015 - 09:57
I remember exactly what happen. It was that time when people started calling 3v3 eu+ competitive. I tried to make people realize that the entire game was competitive, but didn't succeed. Most of the main world players switched to this short 3v3. The reason they started calling it competitive was because the advent of custom maps. However, I still blame the eu+ map, because it gave to many players ADD.
01.07.2015 - 10:10
Sorry but this is just completely false. World games did not die with 3v3s they died with custom maps. Both 3v3s and world games were hugely popular among the same players for a very long time and then games like UN, WWII, and GoT replaced the world map. EDIT: May I also add that people were calling 3v3s the competitive standard way before custom maps were even a thing.
---- The church is near, but the road is icy... the bar is far away, but I will walk carefully...
01.07.2015 - 10:26
I prefer scenarios like WW's. World games just bore me now.
---- Everyone is living a myth and it's important to know what yours is. It could be a tragedy- and maybe you don't want it to be.
01.07.2015 - 10:59
On this part I have to agree with acq, however I joined this game in 2012 and both of you were in way before me so I can only speak about what I know, which is what acq said, I remember 3v3 and worldgames always going together and the players who played 3v3 90% of them played worldgames too. Ofcourse players like Avatar/Skittz/Learster who were brilliant worldgame players werent that interested in 3v3, and we respected that. Nobody was pushed to or pick worldgames or 3v3. But playing a worldgame you could (atleast my opinion) feel the friendly vibe around because almost everybody knew eachother in those games. It was almost like a big happy family. However I dont think the map making are fully to blame, since most of the oldskool players ,who played most of the worldgames/3v3 games, quit playing AW at all and I assume the new wave of players didn't really know worldgames were played that much before, so I guess they started to focus more on the most popular and newest things, which were 3v3 and scenarios.
01.07.2015 - 11:01
Yes but, what part bores you? thats what I'd like to know. The same map over and over? or just the standard units? Because I for example get bored by the different units, like ancient and WW's have.
01.07.2015 - 11:06
Hrm, faggy oldfag high ranks are perturbed by the fall of World map playerbase after telling newbies, the future of the game to gtfo. Hrm, now with half the oldfags getting lives and quitting, the remainder are whining. Fucking bitchy high ranks. Fuck your world games, I prefer my RP and UN where I can actually play without getting kicked without warning.
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01.07.2015 - 11:12
For me it doesnt really excite me. The standard troops I guess get a little boring and while I'm not proposing adding a bunch of different units for every country, I like how in WW's you start off on a team and it's usually balanced. I don't really know why world games bore me. FOr one thing scenario games seem more "fun", you always have people to talk too and many times I have fun talkin to the guy im versing. scenarios for me seem like more of a community than a world game
---- Everyone is living a myth and it's important to know what yours is. It could be a tragedy- and maybe you don't want it to be.
01.07.2015 - 11:31
bahahahahahaahhahaha! i love this, man 10/10!! p.s. such a cutie face. i would lick you.
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01.07.2015 - 11:33
I enjoy world map games with any type of settings. 5k,10k,50k funds.
01.07.2015 - 13:50
4 questions I ask when. Deciding to post on a thread 1. Does waffel care? 2. Has clovis made a ridiculously long post that makes no sense? 3. Has goblin been up voted 4. Has the Greek sheman decides to troll it yet?
01.07.2015 - 13:51
2/4 anyway world games are dead for many reasons 1. Ally fagging 2. 3 hours long 3. Bogged down in fighting early chances are slim 4. Aliens
01.07.2015 - 14:01
World games are nice, but I don't play it because one, they rarely fill (good world game needs 12+ players) and two, it gets old after a while.
01.07.2015 - 14:08
Theres an easy answer: reduce 50k and 25k starting funds for non premiums
---- "War is nothing but a continuation of politics with the admixture of other means." ― Carl von Clausewitz
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