Nostromo लेखो: 41 (Message) से (User): वेनेजूएला
After the last game "reforms", I never more met rare units. May be only prem accounts can have them?
Am I wrong?
Yes this option(rare units) include only premium users
(edit: sorry I am wrong... many non premiums told me they never encounter rare units so I thought it is available for premium users only)
Yeah I have noticed that too. It has been ages since I got a rare or seen anyone else with them even with games that have them on.
I hate to advocate drugs alcohol and violence to the kids, but it's always worked for me.
Rare units are NOT premium... their drop occur according to the settings established by the game hosts.
Yeah I have noticed that too. It has been ages since I got a rare or seen anyone else with them even with games that have them on.
I hate to advocate drugs alcohol and violence to the kids, but it's always worked for me.
Nostromo लेखो: 41 (Message) से (User): वेनेजूएला
लिखा द्वारा Guest, 09.07.2013 at 11:56
Regular members can get rare units... it is just that many people have it off and default is set to low/very rare. Having premium does unlock "additional rare units" though.
I can't understand: Would I have "off" this option? Could you explain to a not native English speaker what did you mean?
I'm always seeing in every game where rare appear that only pay users have it, not me nor others free players.
Nostromo लेखो: 41 (Message) से (User): वेनेजूएला
Rare units are NOT premium... their drop occur according to the settings established by the game hosts.

You said something different once... Anyway: as said to Terminal, I can believe that this is the right theory but my experience is totally different.
Non pay members get rare units
Nostromo लेखो: 41 (Message) से (User): वेनेजूएला
Non pay members get rare units
Ok, I believe it. That means: pay users can get rare unities, the others can get very rare unities.
No, chances are the same for everybody. You just have to join a game were rare unit option is activated in the game settings.
लिखा द्वारा Guest, 13.07.2013 at 20:55
Why did you quote yourself to post the same thing twice?
Easier then repeating myself.
I hate to advocate drugs alcohol and violence to the kids, but it's always worked for me.
I create a map and made cca 10 rare unit, i get chance of rare unit on HIGH. I i playd my map 15 times adn never found rare unit.
I only got 1 or 2 rares at low rank with game options, this must be a glitch but no one seems to take notice.
RainBow! लेखो: 200 (Message) से (User): Canada
I never get them, even if the chance is set to high, probably the percentage for non-premium members is far lower than premium. <1%
Yeah, its like they don't exist... I've made maps just to test them out and have never ever successfully gotten them.
Chance to find: 10, Game setting: high, made like 15 different units.... attacked like 15 cities. Never got one...  Bummer
Last post was 11 months ago. Check date before posting please!
It's not the end.
In premium it says ''Encounter additional rare units!'' so with this Exclusive options or subscription you can get more units like ''Samurai'' and so on.
Hm i definitely started getting 10x more rares when i got premium.
लिखा द्वारा Banjo, 21.10.2014 at 00:22
Yeah, its like they don't exist... I've made maps just to test them out and have never ever successfully gotten them.
Chance to find: 10, Game setting: high, made like 15 different units.... attacked like 15 cities. Never got one... Bummer
If you tested by playing alone, you cant get them ever.
Hm i definitely started getting 10x more rares when i got premium.
I second this. Lately I noticed I've been getting a lot more rare units. Child soldiers once, Exo-infantry about three times, fighters twice, partisans once, cruisers twice in a row, battleships once, broken missiles twice, a coastal battery, field marshals twice, heavy artillery, a functioning missile, and a few more that I can't recall... and these are my observations from the past week or so across multiple games. I didn't check to see if the rare unit probability was ticked up however. Before it was very rare; now it seems to happen every other game.
I even suspected that perhaps atWar increased probability of encountering rare units but then I realized how recently I purchased premium.
Sorry if this is a necro bump; there were some recent posts so I figured it would be alright to post. I would sage if it were possible.
Creator of banal posts
I think I never got a rare unit before I went premium, and now I get them like all the time. Seriously now I get some anti-tank, exos, missiles, cruisers, partisans, battleships, marshalls or fighters in every world game, literally.