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लेखो: 6   द्वारा देखा गया है .: 187 users
18.11.2010 - 12:23
Hey, I'm from Poland and I must tell you that I really like your game, it's fun, interesting, sometimes slow and frustrating, but it still keeps me interested with it's simple interface and tolerable time consumption. I have some suggestions about two countries in Europe area, which can make the game even more playable :].

I'm really unsatisfied with actual ingame depiction of my country. Here are some of my suggestions on how to make Poland became more realistic:
A. two more cities
B. a bit higher bonus for controlling whole country
C. neutral poland defended by infantry instead of militia

Now, why these suggestions should be taken into account:
A. There are two areas in Poland which should be added into the game, that is: Gdansk, and Katowice (this one could possibly replace Krakow). Warsaw is the capial, it's clear that it should be in the game. Gdansk is a part of an aglomeration called Trojmiasto (Tricity), there are shipyards, ports, warehouses, many many people live in this area, it's very important part of the country. Katowice is another aglomeration, with 2,5 milion people living there, it's a main coal industry are in my country. Krakow is a very important (because of history, education and few other things) city, but in my opinion it's the least important out of these 4 places.

Population of Poland is 38 milions, and with the actual cities there are only 5 units gained per 4 turns, while Ukraine, which population is 45 milions, gains 12 units per 4 turns.

name/real population/ingame unit gain
Germany 82m 16
Ukraine 45m 12
Poland 38m 5
Belarus 9m 5

Poland should have 3 or 4 cities
Warsaw 3 units
Gdansk 1 unit (if it represents city) or 2 units (if it represents aglomeration) (this city should be able to produce naval units)
Katowice 2-3 units (as an aglomeration)
Krakow 2 units

B. Poland, during the recent financial crisis, was still developing and increasing it's income, while most other european cities noted losses. Poland should definitely receive more income per week for controling whole country (and two cities i suggested also should have steady income).

C. Poland just recently abolished yearly conscription of recruits into army. Now our army consists only of proffesionals. We have advanced fighter planes, we develop our own equipment (like for example Beryl, it's Polish assault rifle with Picatinny rails which uses NATO ammunition). Poland can, by all means, defend itself with more than just mere militia.

This country is just overpowered when playing in Europe, it is due to large gain of units (26 units every 4 turns!), isolation (it's easy to defend it so you can use most of units to attack, while other countries need to think a lot more about defence), and income high enough to keep it strong for all the time.

Today I saw at least two games in which organisator clearly said that we play without Turkey, and i even saw a player being kicked out because he aquired that country. Many people do not like the actual power of Turkey, some of the players use this country because it's easy to quicly take control over Europe, some other players do not use this country because they think it's overpowered.

There are four ways to cope with that:
A. increase net worth of the country to more than 12k and make it harder to be captured by increasing amount of neutral defenders)
B. weaken the country by lowering it's unit gain and income
C. cut the country in half to make only european part playable, thus lowering income and gain of the country without lowering income and gain of the cities
D. cut the country out of the map of Europe, why? Because large part of Russia also lies in Europe (everything west from Ural Mountains), and still whole country isn't playable on the map of Europe. Same could (should?) be done with Turkey; only about half of this country is a part of Europe, so making it unplayable wouldn't be a bad choice.

First and last options are best. Of course changes can still make other problems, like for example making Eastern Europe weaker than Western, but upgrading Poland should counter it a bit.

That's all for now, I think. I'm waiting for replies :]
18.11.2010 - 13:31
 Ivan (प्रशासन)
Whoa dude, big message. Thanks for taking your time to write this

OK, about Poland... Originally, there were 2 more cities (Gdansk and Wroclaw) - unfortunately, because of the relatively small territory the place felt a bit cramped, so we decided to remove them (sorry). However, in the next update there will be an option to switch on all of the disabled 94 cities and 9 countries! Also, I disabled Kaliningrad and instead enabled Gdansk. You're welcome

As for higher income - can't do, sorry. We base all the numbers on the actual GDP data. While it might not be the most accurate criteria, so far it seems more or less balanced. Also, we're not going to make Poland the only country with neutral Infantry

Ukraine and Turkey - I decided to disable one city in each, that should help a bit.

18.11.2010 - 13:55
I thought some countries have infantry instead of militia as neutral defenders, but they must have been just leftovers after defeated players .

I still think that Poland is large enough to contain three cities even without turning this future option on. Germany is just a bit larger, and it contains 5 cities and three times higher unit income. Greece takes much less land area, it has almost 4 times less citizens and it's unit income is still twice higher. Whole western part of Poland is empty, ports are really integral part of Polish coastline. Think once again about introducing third city .

Ukraine is not really overpowered I think, it is totally okay. If you disable one city in that country you can actually make it a bit underpowered against against both Turkey and western Europe.

I just saw ingame that you introduced Gdansk, and already disabled two cities in both easternmost countries. Thanks :].
18.11.2010 - 14:24
 Ivan (प्रशासन)
You're welcome Btw, it turns out some countries actually do have neutral Infantry - those with the income over 500.
21.12.2013 - 11:21
Laochra¹: i pray to the great zizou, that my tb stops the airtrans of the yellow infidel
23.12.2013 - 07:25
लिखा द्वारा Nero, 21.12.2013 at 11:21


3 years Nero... Locked.
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