Seranox लेखो: 128 (Message) से (User): नीदरलैंड
लिखा द्वारा Seranox, 08.07.2018 at 16:05
लिखा द्वारा Seranox, 08.07.2018 at 15:21
लिखा द्वारा Seranox, 08.07.2018 at 12:20
also lets not forget the Nazi's were also Extreme Left Nutjobs maybe there is a Pattern in all this
National-Socialism was ultra far-right, there's wide consensus about this..
My own grandfather fought for the Wehrmacht and explained it to me like this "The Nazi's Concidered themselves Socialists First Nationalist Second"
So if you could link me to that "Concensus" cause i call Bullshit on this as Nazism & Communism are 2 Sides of the Same Coin, a.k.a. the Black Death and the Red Plague
There's divergence among Historians and experts in Political Science whether Fascism and National Socialism are placed on the "far-right" side of the spectrum or on the contraire, on the "far-left" spectrum. However, there's general consensus, though contested that Fascism and National Socialism are far-right political doctrines (or doctrinary courses of action). I tend to personally consider them as far-right political doctrines, as they uphold tradition, reject stagnating conservatism and tolerate Capitalism as a way of serving the ulterior needs of the (Fascist) State (as fascists defended) and of the Volk (as the Nazis defended - See how also you cannot associate both as being the same?) whether Communism rejected the State, which they see as a Repression Instrument to perpetuate Capitalism and the exploitation of men by other men (See Marx's Theory of History) and advocated for the State to be a mere instrument to achieve a classless sociate and then Communism. There's no real direct paralel between the three major doctrinary ideologies of the 20th century, whatever way people wish to depict them.
Personally I think people tend to mis-place Fascism and National Socialism as Far-Left Doctrines because they mis-understand that Totalitarian Regimes = Far Left. Totalitarianism is not the criteria to consider them as Far Left, but to assess the behaviour, attitude and organization of the State/Political System, which obeys to 5 criteria to 6 criteria that can be found in Communism (and exacerbated to totalitarism with Stalin), Fascism and Nazism. You can find these criteria (I forgot them sorry xD and I lost the book somewhere in my bookshelf) very well written both in Hannah Arendt's book I'm mentioning infra and on Prélot & Lescuyer's History of Political Thought, another great book that approaches even the most minute and insignificant of political thoughts like Maurras or others, that influenced Fascism.
If you're really interested about these things about Political Thought and to deepen your curiosity about Totalitarisms and their spectrum placement (personally believe spectrums are an outdated concept from the french revolution) I suggest you to read Hannah Arendt's Origins of Totalitarianism, which is considered as the founding-book to studies of Fascism, Nazism and Communism, beyond the Marx's, Mussolini's and Hitler's "doctrinary" writings.
Regarding what your grandfather used to say, Goebbels himself publicaly admitted (or wrote somewhere, don't remember) that National-Socialism had as a goal to construct the true Socialism, and thus explaining in part why the anti-socialist and anti-communist nazi stance. Besides that, National-Socialism is entirely built on the exacerbation of the Volk, the People as the ultimate and absolute value to honour, respect and provide to, using the State not as an end to all things, like Fascism but as a mean to the end, which in Nazism was the People and the People only, hence the Socialistic conception they had, though they associated Nationalism and Socialism pretty closely at the same level.
If you also want to read more on this you can read History of Political Thought, Volume IV, by Jean Touchard, which gives you decent insight on Fascism and Nazism (tho if I were you I'd buy all 4 volumes, they're small xd)
Sorry for the long-text
nah to be honest i appriciate it, atleast it gives some perspective on the matter instead of "your grandfather is a liar" so thanks for that:)
- Dinesh D'Souza Explains Fascism (17.30min Video)
What is Better, To be Born Good, Or to overcome One's Evil Nature Through Great Effort - Paarthurnax