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लेखो: 2   द्वारा देखा गया है .: 35 users
23.01.2011 - 21:22
Um not trying to be picky or anything but i was trying to figure out how much an opponent got in sp at the end of a match. One problem there had been over 10 people in the match and there isn't a scroll feature.
24.01.2011 - 02:01
 Ivan (प्रशासन)
लिखा द्वारा specter, 23.01.2011 at 21:22

Um not trying to be picky or anything but i was trying to figure out how much an opponent got in sp at the end of a match. One problem there had been over 10 people in the match and there isn't a scroll feature.

I'll fix that, thanks.
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