WOW! Seriously, this is the first time I have EVER upvoted Waffel, EVER! (After 2 years in the game.) I didn't even read the rest of the typical AtWar dribble, I just upvoted Waffel because I agreed with what he had to say, for once, and could care less about the rest of it. Nicely put Waffel, WTG.
"The edge is never very far away, when you're hanging on by your fingernails." ©
WOW! Seriously, this is the first time I have EVER upvoted Waffel, EVER! (After 2 years in the game.) I didn't even read the rest of the typical AtWar dribble, I just upvoted Waffel because I agreed with what he had to say, for once, and could care less about the rest of it. Nicely put Waffel, WTG.
Thank you, make sure to upvote me more in the future.
Waffels right on this one. Was part of the reason i stopped playing. Ivan mentioned he was moving city/job last time i mailed him(over a month ago) but amok has been awol for what, 6 months now? The whole mapmaker situation is ridiculous.They are only performing basic maintenance on the site at current. There's no developement. There are tonnes of bugs and server crash issues that need addressing.
There are many different routes that can be taken, not necessarily leading to the sale of the game. Fully, at least.
For example: A hired coder that isn't doing it mainly for the money can get a humble wage and 5-15% of AW 'shares' or whatever. That way, when the game grows -with his assistance- the coder makes more money. Or perhaps agree to a fee of x once the game reaches x value or has x players, that way they pay him, but just when they have the money.
Look, I'm not a finance expert or whatever, and what I'm proposing may also have difficulties, but there are alternative solutions to selling off the game or letting it to die.
Personally, I doubt they'd agree with anything that involved money... u.u
Don't ever look down on someone unless you're helping him up. Don't ever treat someone else the way you wouldn't want others to treat you.
We're all people.
लिखा द्वारा Oleg, 09.08.2016 at 16:09
लिखा द्वारा Waffel, 09.08.2016 at 15:32
PS: wondering how come no one has taken admins' side yet
Because there are no sides..
We all want the same thing.
inbefore croat or clovis come*
Pavle, did you just upvoted yourself.....
Anyway yeah waffel is right, but that's something we already know. Tact on the other hand is giving out a solution which is what we need.
Basically to point less the problems and more the solutions to such problems. For every 2 or 3 threads about servers there is at most 1 comment giving out a solution.
लिखा द्वारा Oleg, 09.08.2016 at 16:09
लिखा द्वारा Waffel, 09.08.2016 at 15:32
PS: wondering how come no one has taken admins' side yet
Because there are no sides..
We all want the same thing.
inbefore croat or clovis come*

Pavle, did you just upvoted yourself.....

Anyway yeah waffel is right, but that's something we already know. Tact on the other hand is giving out a solution which is what we need.
Basically to point less the problems and more the solutions to such problems. For every 2 or 3 threads about servers there is at most 1 comment giving out a solution.
The solution is Amok gets off his ass and makes a map editor... The community cant solve this problem.
I just came here to see how much clovis is ass kissing mods.
It's not the end.
Tact on the other hand is giving out a solution which is what we need.
I did too
Don't ever look down on someone unless you're helping him up. Don't ever treat someone else the way you wouldn't want others to treat you.
We're all people.
Azula. लेखो: 1395 (Message) से (User): बेल्जियम
Waffel can be a bitch, waffel can be enoying, but waffel always speaks out he's thoughts withoud any bullshit attached to them. Go waffel
Anyway yeah waffel is right, but that's something we already know. Tact on the other hand is giving out a solution which is what we need.
Basically to point less the problems and more the solutions to such problems. For every 2 or 3 threads about servers there is at most 1 comment giving out a solution.
You remind me of this:
लिखा द्वारा Phoenix, 10.08.2016 at 12:18
The solution is Amok gets off his ass and makes a map editor... The community cant solve this problem.
That's called a Win-Lose deal, and I hardly doubt you'll get Amok to simply abandon his life obligations to make the map editor.
Hiring a programmer to do it instead though, seems more reasonable.
लिखा द्वारा RaulPB, 10.08.2016 at 12:37
I did too 
Kurdos for that.
लिखा द्वारा Tundy, 10.08.2016 at 13:26
Anyway yeah waffel is right, but that's something we already know. Tact on the other hand is giving out a solution which is what we need.
Basically to point less the problems and more the solutions to such problems. For every 2 or 3 threads about servers there is at most 1 comment giving out a solution.
You remind me of this: 
Oh look another "Because it's 2015" guy quote. I'm afraid that goes beyond my knowledge Tunder. Would you mind explaining it to us?
लिखा द्वारा Phoenix, 10.08.2016 at 12:18
The solution is Amok gets off his ass and makes a map editor... The community cant solve this problem.
That's called a Win-Lose deal, and I hardly doubt you'll get Amok to simply abandon his life obligations to make the map editor.
लिखा द्वारा Tundy, 10.08.2016 at 13:26
Anyway yeah waffel is right, but that's something we already know. Tact on the other hand is giving out a solution which is what we need.
Basically to point less the problems and more the solutions to such problems. For every 2 or 3 threads about servers there is at most 1 comment giving out a solution.
You remind me of this: "If you kill your enemies, they win"
Oh look another "Because it's 2015" guy quote. I'm afraid that goes beyond my knowledge Tunder. Would you mind explaining it to us?
I am just going to borrow a page from tito's book: Clovis there is a reason no one bothers to talk to you normally anymore. I'll make fun of you for some more time and then ignore you like everyone else.
लिखा द्वारा Phoenix, 10.08.2016 at 12:18
The solution is Amok gets off his ass and makes a map editor... The community cant solve this problem.
That's called a Win-Lose deal, and I hardly doubt you'll get Amok to simply abandon his life obligations to make the map editor.
Hiring a programmer to do it instead though, seems more reasonable.
लिखा द्वारा RaulPB, 10.08.2016 at 12:37
I did too 
Kurdos for that.
लिखा द्वारा Tundy, 10.08.2016 at 13:26
Anyway yeah waffel is right, but that's something we already know. Tact on the other hand is giving out a solution which is what we need.
Basically to point less the problems and more the solutions to such problems. For every 2 or 3 threads about servers there is at most 1 comment giving out a solution.
You remind me of this: 
Oh look another "Because it's 2015" guy quote. I'm afraid that goes beyond my knowledge Tunder. Would you mind explaining it to us?
So why doesn't he hire a programmer?
Again nit something the community can solve, I even suggested this myself...
Its down to the games owners to solve its problems
I fully agree, The only reason i'm even able to read this at all is because i wanted to see how some of the people i used to know were doing. Other than that i see little to no reason to log on to this site anymore
लिखा द्वारा Phoenix, 10.08.2016 at 14:23
Again nit something the community can solve, I even suggested this myself...
Its down to the games owners to solve its problems
I agree with you, but we're still able to give out ideas
लिखा द्वारा Tundy, 10.08.2016 at 14:21
I'll be impressed if you win PotY acting in that way.
लिखा द्वारा Tundy, 10.08.2016 at 14:21
I'll be impressed if you win PotY acting in that way.
Im impressed theres still people like you in this game who give a shit about PoTy
To summarize this thred:
- Waffel got the point, said it very clearly and passionately, I have to agree and support him. In first period I supported admins and believed in their words, but now it's fully obvious those were lies to satisfy our wishes and stop the pressure. This map editor reminds me of the loading scene while installing a game, it comes to 95% in 5 secs, but you have to wait 7 years, 5 months and 26 days until it comes to 100%.
And about servers, Amok&Ivan, I'm gonna send you a bill of my new mouse and laptop's keyboard, they died cuz of your not giving a shit about shitty servers. And my nerves gone very wild. RIP old mouse. RIP old keyboard. I miss you
- Pavle upvotes himself through another account he used a month ago and stopped using it right after he joined evoL (acc called Zlo).
Very nice try, but stop being so fucking desparate to improve your dead reputation, you annoying clown.
- Skitz is back
- Waiting for Goblin's meme
Inb4 map editor comes out in a few days and waffel claims its because of his thread
Inb4 map editor comes out in a few days and waffel claims its because of his thread
Ofcourse it will be.
Bioml खाता खाते को नष्ट कर दिया है। |
Bioml खाता खाते को नष्ट कर दिया है।
लेखो: 330 (Message) से (User): यूक्रेन
Amok hire me  I'm a dev w web development experience
upfront I'll do $40 an hour
Atwar, I'll give you ur editor in no time  (server tho idk that shit could cost cash)
не смотри где я - лучше смотри где ты
लिखा द्वारा Waffel, 13.08.2016 at 17:30

waffel is shaking his head
He is probably angry that the thread is not turning into a flame war
लिखा द्वारा b0nker2, 13.08.2016 at 17:34
He is probably angry that the thread is not turning into a flame war
Finally someone really do something for atwar.Instead of insulting each other, gangbanging and raping you should make something like this and support people like Waffel.