For some people, and only some. There is always a hunger for "power". So the idea is to perhaps add more positions in a clan.
For example: Here is my clan.
As you can see there are 8 leaders in Victorious Secret. Which is a little odd I would say. So ideally the change is quite simple.
Start out with the Founder: Which would obviously be whoever Founded the Coalition. The Founder could demote and promote anyone he pleases. And has all the power of course.
Founder: Safari
Secondly perhaps maybe there could be two very trustworthy people which equal power below Founder which could be Leaders/Coleaders. These Co-leaders Cannot promote/demote someone to a Co-leader since there would be a limit to two. That power stays in the hands of the Founder. The Co-Leaders could Promote and demote people to Presbyters and Officers. Co-Leaders could make clan wars and invite and kick people from the clan as they please.
Example: Co-Leaders: Commando Eagle, Opi
Third are the Presbyters. These People could host clan wars, they could promote/demote people to or from officer. They could not promote anyone to a presbyter. And they have the power to kick anyone below them.
Example: Presbyters: Panteri, Klevis, Mecoy
Fourth would be the Officers. Only allowed to invite people but not allowed to kick. Are able to make clan wars. Not allowed to promote anyone to Officer.
Officers: Comrade in Arms, Dizabo, Roncho, The Maniac
Lastly the members. Stay as they are.
It would look a little something like this
This is just an idea that way the power is a little more split between players and a little more/less trust could be given to certain people if you want them to be able to make a clan war but not kick people.