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लेखो: 11   द्वारा देखा गया है .: 50 users
28.03.2011 - 17:16

I understand that when over/in the ocean, a air/water transport should only have the defense of the transport itself and I see that when you drag an air transport over seas and hover over it you see that the defense and attack is reduced to that of the transport. Likewise, when you drag the transport over land, the stats change to the stats of the transport plus those of the units on it.

The problem arises is that, though these stats change visually, i dont think they are being applied. Whenever a transport of any sort is in a stack on land and this stack gets attacked, the stack acts as if its defense is only that of the transport. This is exemplified in the picture featured above

What these needs to be fixed to is so that air transports over land should have the stats of the transport and the units inside them. This should also apply to transports docked on land.
28.03.2011 - 17:34
लिखा द्वारा Otokonoko, 28.03.2011 at 17:16

I understand that when over/in the ocean, a air/water transport should only have the defense of the transport itself and I see that when you drag an air transport over seas and hover over it you see that the defense and attack is reduced to that of the transport. Likewise, when you drag the transport over land, the stats change to the stats of the transport plus those of the units on it.

The problem arises is that, though these stats change visually, i dont think they are being applied. Whenever a transport of any sort is in a stack on land and this stack gets attacked, the stack acts as if its defense is only that of the transport. This is exemplified in the picture featured above

What these needs to be fixed to is so that air transports over land should have the stats of the transport and the units inside them. This should also apply to transports docked on land.

No, the stats are correct, they are just not displaying properly, that is the way it is supposed to work (i.e. anything on land or water in a transport does not defend the transport)
28.03.2011 - 18:11
Are you sure that is how it is supposed to work? It doesnt make much sense to me. If there are 5 infantry groups and a plane on the ground and the plane is getting shot at, do you not think the troops would get out and fight back?
Even furthermore, if there are 100 infantry groups and a plane with a 5-infantry group capacity being attacked by an enemy, would 5 infantry groups get in the plane, wait to be killed and then the rest of the 95 just sit there also getting killed?
28.03.2011 - 18:43
YES that is how it is suppose to work.
28.03.2011 - 20:17
The concept is that when your units are being transported they are reliant upon the transport. You can easily avoid this issue by removing your troops from your air transport after it has moved, something you should really do anyway with marines.
28.03.2011 - 20:58
I still find that very odd. I know that it makes sense for it to be that way when the transport isnt on land, but when it is, how does that make sense? Its unrealistic. Men are never trapped in their docked ships nor in their landed planes. This is especially the case when the transport in the stack cant even fit all the units in the stack. Men are reliant on a transport that they arent even in? Seems a bit ridiculous to me.

And are you sure its supposed to be like that? Why would they program it so that the stats [appear] to change when the transport is on land.

I know the problem can be easily avoided but that doesn't take away from the fact that it is a problem.
29.03.2011 - 00:15
Yea a transport is WEEK! i have killed 100 stacks becasue the player never put bombers or any type of defending troops with there transports. Im happy to see the game acts realisticly in this sence. Your troops are NOT defended in a transport guys. So when you send a transport send a few bombers or stelths with it, same for ocean going transports add a few distroyers or subs to help protect it or a good oponent will prepair for you to move units un protected. I myself suround my capital and other vital areas with stelth of small numbers just incase an invasion begins on the ground
Where's the BEEF!
29.03.2011 - 01:24
 Amok (प्रशासन)
Actually, troops inside the transport don't participate in battle only when the transport is over water or was intercepted (when you moved it and it was attacked at the same turn).
29.03.2011 - 15:57
लिखा द्वारा Amok, 29.03.2011 at 01:24

Actually, troops inside the transport don't participate in battle only when the transport is over water or was intercepted (when you moved it and it was attacked at the same turn).

Ah, so if it was moved the same turn, even if it never left being over land, and it is attacked, the units will not fight?
30.03.2011 - 14:33
 Amok (प्रशासन)
लिखा द्वारा Otokonoko, 29.03.2011 at 15:57

लिखा द्वारा Amok, 29.03.2011 at 01:24

Actually, troops inside the transport don't participate in battle only when the transport is over water or was intercepted (when you moved it and it was attacked at the same turn).

Ah, so if it was moved the same turn, even if it never left being over land, and it is attacked, the units will not fight?

08.02.2013 - 08:20
लिखा द्वारा Amok, 30.03.2011 at 14:33

लिखा द्वारा Otokonoko, 29.03.2011 at 15:57

लिखा द्वारा Amok, 29.03.2011 at 01:24

Actually, troops inside the transport don't participate in battle only when the transport is over water or was intercepted (when you moved it and it was attacked at the same turn).

Ah, so if it was moved the same turn, even if it never left being over land, and it is attacked, the units will not fight?


this is weird
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