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लेखो: 4   द्वारा देखा गया है .: 93 users
29.06.2018 - 20:41
I recently bought premium, and played a few games and troll other players . World map /scenario I will like a chance to start all over again without buying second premium. Not that I don't have $40 bucks sitting around, since I'm deleting my main with premium . I should be able to transfer it over or have one of the moderator compensate me in protcoin , it's a fair trade either way AW made there profit
29.06.2018 - 21:03
 Sid (प्रशासन)
लिखा द्वारा clovis1122, 29.06.2018 at 20:41

30.06.2018 - 04:48
Oh so could all of my alts have lifetime? I paid 40 for my lifetime I should've able to transfer my lifetime to my alt whenever I am on it
30.06.2018 - 06:03
We don't transfer premium/lifetime premium between alts accounts, I'm afraid.

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