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लेखो: 2   द्वारा देखा गया है .: 59 users
15.04.2020 - 18:36
Hey, i bought lifetime years ago and left the game for a while, came back and they had taken away lifetime with 1 year max subscription under the new admins. Or at least i think that was the case. Anyways i see there is currently a lifetime option and am wondering what gives? Anyone else deal with something similar or do i have a faulty memory, not making any hard claims here.
15.04.2020 - 18:41
लिखा द्वारा Celtic Frost, 15.04.2020 at 18:36

Hey, i bought lifetime years ago and left the game for a while, came back and they had taken away lifetime with 1 year max subscription under the new admins. Or at least i think that was the case. Anyways i see there is currently a lifetime option and am wondering what gives? Anyone else deal with something similar or do i have a faulty memory, not making any hard claims here.

maybe a glitch ask admins to check your account if u purchased premium and If they see proof they will probably restore your premium
they said play atwar,they said it would be fun,dam

We are not the same - I am a Martian
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