30.04.2021 - 13:40
Let's say I gave birth to a male baby. If I brought the baby to an uninhabited forest and left him there, he would die quickly. This is because humans are a mammalian species and, traditionally, cannot live or bring forth new life without other humans. However, it is possible that something equivalent to "other humans" would suffice to ensure that my baby lives and is able to bring forth new life, if we assume that his genetic endowment is normal. For example, if a device existed that was able to simulate the chemistry associated with traditional human birth and mammalian interactions, then the product of this device would have the same chemistry as any other human. I don't remember where I was going with this, because I minimized this tab and was working on something else today, but I think it is very interesting how our understanding of the fabric of reality is dictated by what we call "consciousness," when we do NOT have consciousness. Our consciousness is dictated by a device similar to the device I talked about earlier. It is dictated by a process we call "evolution." Evolution is a device that produces the traditional "human" through inputs such as phosphorus and nitrogen. For this reason, our vision is designed such that we are able to see color because "fruit" is an important input. Otherwise, color-vision would not have been an output of this device. Therefore, we do not have consciousness because we cannot possibly understand what it is like to think beyond the framework that the device designed for us. The "device" is the cause and we are the effect. It could manifest itself as "God," but I am speaking within a framework I have no control over. Everything has a framework. Everything is, in other words, predetermined. We can try to make sense of reality through the scientific method, which has led us to the theory that reality is not predetermined because of the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle. But I suspect that since that only manifests itself on a microscopic level, that our conception of this theory is like looking at a wire from telephone pole from 90 feet away and trying to conceive whether or not there is an indent along the wire. There are obviously multiple dimensions. Am I right?
---- Happiness = reality - expectations
30.04.2021 - 21:51
Obviously. You can see it on 'dumb' and banal example of different species and it has close relation with the level of evolution of each: There is frog, dog and human. Humans know that, let's say tennis ball is for playing and having fun and they know that fire can help you to survive, dogs can realize that tennis ball is for playing and having fun, while they cant conceive what the hell that scary hot thing is, while frogs have no clue what is neither of those. Frog cannot realize majority of things that dogs are capable to realize, neither dogs can realize majority of things that humans are capable to. Physical or mental, doesn't matter. It might be the same for the force majeure, or what we call God. Humans might be the most developed and evolved species on the Earth, but obviously not on that level to factually prove the God's existance. Maybe it will forever be impossible to us, I don't know, but I believe we can 'feel' it's existance, no matter if science cannot confirm it with the facts. Same way science cannot confirm by any fact from where we do feel the emotions, let's say, fear or love. We see with eyes, we hear with ears, also and there are organs in our body connected with our feelings, who will work faster or slower or I don't know how, based on the current emotion. But, what is it about us that gives us an idea and triggers the emotion itself? We don't know, neither science do. Still, emotions obviously exist. Same I believe about God. These are deep topics humans are discussing since ever trying to prove something, and I am not sure that any of us here is introduced into this matter 'at the required level', neither that any of us will produce any mega argument about it, but at least we can point out some of our views. __ PS. I believe you are an intelligent being, capable to launch many interesting discussions here which are not stuck in WW2 propaganda and it makes me sad seeing you being a sentry troll around. Maybe try to push this, more serious, side of your creature more often ![]()
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30.04.2021 - 23:02
could have just said that you think an ai sex bot is as much human as we are
how does this mean that we don't have consciousness? i am not following the logic of "born with a designed framework -> we dont have consciousness." what is your definition of consciousness?
if you are speaking within a framework, how can you make absolute statements like "Everything has a framework."
no one can know
no one can know
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