Hey guys so I am almost done with my 3rd scenario and I would like to know if anyone knew how to add mass text to like outline rules/put up a ban list on my games so I dont have to state the rules and stuff. Originally what I have been doing is making a seperate nation for each line i type and just setting the label under each other but it seems like there is an easier way. If you know plz help a brother out.
लिखा द्वारा Guest, 20.01.2014 at 12:50
Ban lists are bad. :/ Don't do that mate.
Well I am i absolutley hate trolls who join turn 1 then leave and it basically ruins the game. If I dont have a standard for my games then its basically a full out barbaric website. Rules are to be followed those who dont will be humiliated and deserve it.
Hey guys so I am almost done with my 3rd scenario and I would like to know if anyone knew how to add mass text to like outline rules/put up a ban list on my games so I dont have to state the rules and stuff. Originally what I have been doing is making a seperate nation for each line i type and just setting the label under each other but it seems like there is an easier way. If you know plz help a brother out.
Just make a country and dont add a city
Hey guys so I am almost done with my 3rd scenario and I would like to know if anyone knew how to add mass text to like outline rules/put up a ban list on my games so I dont have to state the rules and stuff. Originally what I have been doing is making a seperate nation for each line i type and just setting the label under each other but it seems like there is an easier way. If you know plz help a brother out.
Just make a country and dont add a city
K that is what i was doing but it seemed like it was to hard to be how everyone else does it ty
4Chan लेखो: 2132 (Message) से (User): ऑस्ट्रीया
I would like to be on the ban list o7