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लेखो: 3   द्वारा देखा गया है .: 28 users
05.01.2024 - 21:57
I found this really cool ancient Roman Empire map on Etsy, and I think it should be used as a tournament prize/giveaway. This will inspire us to move forward as a bigger and stronger community, inspired by the hope that one of us may one day plaster this beautiful map upon our gross third-world walls

Happiness = reality - expectations
06.01.2024 - 04:05
As soon as the war is over I'm buying this for my office. Nice catch, man.
[pr] ●HellRaiserX666X: ever try beating your meat with sand paper?
13.01.2024 - 19:13
Somehow making partnerships with cartography companies might be a good idea. But, up to Dave
*War in Europe again isn't good for anyone... that's why the EU is an Absolute! Long Live The Forth Realm! Long Live Europe!*
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